Chapter 34

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Who the fuck did he think he was? I couldn't believe Edward pussied out and sent me a text. He said he was sorry, so what? Now, that he knew, everything was going to go back to normal? Not likely.

That was how I felt the night Edward found out the results. Now, three weeks later, we were fully talking.

He even made me laugh once in a while. I knew he was trying hard to make up for what had happened, but I still couldn't let it go. He would text me at night, and tell me how sorry he was, and how much he missed me. He would never say sorry to my face, and I didn't know why.

Maybe I could get over it a little if he did. He was a man, and men were stupid. They never think of the little things.

Moving day was an event in itself.

My parents, Alice, Rose, and Esme all helped. It was great to have such a support group. If it wasn't for everyone's help, it would have taken me months to get everything situated. I thought having so many people around would drive me crazy, but it didn't. The only person that did annoy me was Esme.

She talked about Edward every chance she got. I told her there was no chance Edward and I would be together any time soon. She told me to give it time, and a love like ours would never go away. I was glad she stopped talking about him after I asked.

Now that Edward and I were talking again, he made it a point to ask where I was, what was I doing, or who I was with. My answers were always the same, home, nothing, and no one.

Even if I was out and about, it wasn't his business. It was going to take a lot more than a few conversations to change my mind.

Edward wanted to help me move into my apartment, but I told him no. He called me a stubborn bitch and hung up on me. That made me smile. He knew he couldn't put his foot down, and I would do as I was told. He hated it.

Kate was coming back, and I was soon going to be done with Cullen Financial. I was okay with it. I needed to get away from Edward, so I could figure out my feelings.

Seeing him almost every day probably wasn't the best thing for me. If I were to stay longer, I would probably fall for his smooth talking bullshit.

I was also horny as hell, and playing with myself just wasn't cutting it. If I thought I could just walk away after, I would let Edward fuck me, but I was sure I couldn't walk away.

I always had to stop myself from thinking about sex. I thought about hooking up with some random guy, but that just wasn't me, and who would want to fuck a pregnant woman?

I had been working from home, for a couple of weeks. Charlie set me up with a laptop with his company's program. He started me off with doing the payroll. It was the easiest thing for me to learn but still staying at home.

Starting the following week, I would be driving back and forth to Port Angeles. I was excited to learn something new. I never thought I would like working.

On my last day of work for him, Edward came out of his office, and sat on the edge of my desk. He kept trying to touch my face, but I would just move away. I knew if I let him touch me, I wouldn't make him stop.

Every time I would want to give in and get back with him, I just reminded myself of what had happened between us. I knew I had to stick to my guns. What kind of woman would I be if I just ran back to the man that thought so little of me?

"Would you please have dinner with me?" he asked as I shut down the computer.

I wanted to go so badly, but I didn't know if I should. I was starving, and felt like I hadn't eaten all day. I was very happy when my appetite came back. "I don't know if that's a good idea," I told him. I was so close to running back to him.

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