Chapter 31

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My worst spanking so far was the one received for not telling Edward about Riley. I received twenty-five hard hits and would never forget to tell him anything ever again. I was just happy he waited until we were done with work my first day. It would have sucked if he would have done it before we had left.
I never thought working would make me so tired. I hadn't even taken care of my man in two weeks. We had the most boring schedule.
We woke up and got ready for work. We worked all day; came home, ate dinner, and then went to bed. That is what we had done for almost three weeks straight. The first week we had sex the first couple of nights, but after that, I was just too tired. I didn't know what had gotten into me.
Being a secretary was so hard. I came to find out that a secretary holds an office together. I had talked to some nasty people that thought the world revolved around them. That earned me a spanking for hanging up on one of the clients.
I was so mad I had to be polite to such a dick, but I guess I understood. It was very hard to hold my tongue when someone was yelling. The only person allowed to yell at me is my soon to be husband, and only for so long.
We still weren't talking to Edwards family. It was so hard to not answer calls or texts. Alice once called crying on my voicemail. I begged Edward to let me talk to her, and he said no. He said it was a classic Alice move to get her way.
Rose said she was going to kick my ass if I didn't answer; Edward said she could try.
Esme just told me to call when I could.
Carlisle called and demanded that we come to Sunday dinner. That never happened.
To my knowledge, Edward had not talked to anyone in his family either. I didn't know how long the boycott was going to go on, but I was sure it was almost over. He was missing his brother and best friend just the same.
What they did was shitty, but they were his family. Edward and I didn't really talk about it, and I was giving him his time. This was his family, so for now, he had the say in how this was going to work.
I talked to Charlie whenever he was in the office. We would mostly have small talk; nothing that would be considered a conversation. I wanted to talk to Charlie, but at the same time I didn't. When it came to Charlie, I felt overly emotional. I needed to resolve this problem, and then my life would be perfect.
"Kate, I haven't talked to Edward yet, but will you be okay for the afternoon if I take off?" I asked her.
"Sure. Sick of working already?" she asked with a laugh.
"No, there's just something I need to take care of."
"Sure, I'll see you on Monday," she said with a smile as I made my way to the boss's office.
One of the perks of being the boss's fiance was that I got to walk right into his office. No one else was allowed this privilege.
"Hey, Baby," he said as I gave him a kiss. "How's your day going?"
"Pretty good. I was wondering if I could have the afternoon off though?" I asked.
"Well, I was thinking of asking Charlie out for lunch."
"For real?"
"Yes. I want to talk to him. I want...I don't know what I want out of this, but this just has to be taken care of, ya know?" I asked babbling.
"Do you really think I am going to tell you no?"
"I don't know," I said with a nervous giggle.
"Have you called Charlie yet?"
"Just call him. Here, you can use my phone," he said pulling me into his lap.
"I have to go get my cell, I don't know his number," I said as Edward smirked up at me.
He knew I was looking for an excuse to delay the conversation. Edward dialed the number, and then handed me the phone. I mumbled a thank you, and he chuckled.
"This is Charlie."
"Hey, it's Bella," I said clearing my throat.
"How are you?" he asked. I could hear the joy in his voice.
"I'm fine. Um...I was wondering if you would like to go to lunch in a few minutes?"
"Sure, I would love to," he said overly-excited. "Where would you like us to meet you?"
"Just you," I said.
"Oh," he said in disbelief.
"You don't have to if don't want to."
"No, I want to. I was just caught off guard," he said. "Where would you like to go?"
"Bella Luna."
"See you in a few," he said as I hung up the phone.
"Of all the places, why do you want to go there?" Edward asked as I stood.
"Because, I will most likely not yell there," I said as Edward laughed.
After saying our goodbyes I was on my way to talk with my father. One of my goals was to try to not dwell on the past. I was going to make my feelings known, but wasn't going to hold the past against Charlie anymore. What good was it doing? When I pulled in to Bella Luna, I saw Charlie waiting for me outside. He looked as nervous as I felt.
When I caught up to him, he gave me a sweet smile. As soon as I was in front of him, I had no idea what to say.
We ordered our drinks and food, and sat there staring at each other. I could tell he was nervous; he was fidgeting, just like me. Keeping to remind myself this needed to be done, and that talking this out with my father was going to be a good thing.
"You look tired. Are you feeling okay?" Charlie asked me.
"I'm just a little off lately."
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know. It just feels like I can never get enough sleep, and I don't have an appetite," I said with a shrug. "I don't think I'm the working type," I said with a small laugh.
"I'm glad you called me. I wanted to talk to you, but didn't want to push myself on you. I can't imagine what must be going on in your head," he said leaning on the table.
"Part of me hates you."
"I understand that. Bella, I know you will never call me Dad, and that is my fault. I don't think I will ever be able to tell you how sorry I am," he answered in defeat.
"Honestly, I don't want you to tell me how sorry you are all the time; it's annoying. I want to leave the past where it belongs, but I just get so frustrated. Edward is always telling me how great you are. He's the president of the Charlie fan club," I started as we both laughed.
"He can be very persistent. If you are anything like me, you don't like to be pushed. I'm sorry if I was pushy at your graduation party, but I was just so proud of you, and I was so happy to be there," he said as I nodded.
"That's why I can't totally hate you. You don't take the little things for granted. I like that about you. I just..."
"You can say whatever you want or need to say. I can handle it." he encouraged me to get it all out.
"I don't know what there is left to say. I hate that it took eighteen years for you and my mother to get your shit together. I hate that I didn't get to know you, and I hate that we have become this instant family. I feel like I have no say. Of course, I should be so excited to have my dad in my life now, but I just feel so bitter," I vent taking a deep breath.
"I don't blame you."
"See, and then you say something like that and it pisses me off!" I almost screamed throwing my hands in the air.
"What do you want me to say?"
"I don't know. I just wish you had some other excuse as to why you weren't in my life," I said, feeling defeated as tears formed in my eyes. "Edward made a good point. He said that my life would have been shitty if it weren't for you. So, thanks," I offered with a small smile.
"Money doesn't make everything better."
"I know, but you could have been a total deadbeat dad and done nothing."
"I tried to be there when I could. I was at your kindergarten graduation. I remember how cute you were in your little paper gown and cap. I was at every little league game that you played. I was sad you only played one year. You were so good. I was there when you were in the spelling bee, you were in sixth grade, right?"
"Yeah," I said with a shocked laugh. "Did Mom know you were there?"
"Yes, she would give me hell every time. She said I would hurt you more if I kept showing up, but I knew all too well that you didn't know who I was," he said sadly.
"I'm sorry," I began to cry.
Of course, the waitress chose that moment to come over with our food. I hid my face, and heard Charlie thank her for our food.
"Bella," he said touching my arm. "You have nothing to be sorry for."
"I do. I've been so mad at you and I had no right. My mother is the one that I should be mad at. You tried, and you showed it in different ways. I'm sorry for being so nasty to you. I never even gave you a chance," I cried harder. Feeling ashamed of myself, I couldn't even look at him.
"It's okay. You didn't know. How 'bout this," he said taking my hand. "All this bullshit needs to go away for us to move forward. Can you do that? I understand if you can't, but..."
"Yes. I have to. I hate feeling so angry. I just need time to wrap my head around everything. My life has changed so much in the last year. I need time," I said taking a deep breath.
"You have all the time in the world."
"I'm glad we talked," I said with a smile wiping the tears off my face. "Sorry it took so long," continuing with a small laugh.
"It's okay. I'm glad you called. So, what is your favorite childhood memory?" he asked as I smiled.
For three hours we talked. I was happy there weren't any more tears. We laughed, a lot. I was definitely my father's daughter. We were so much alike it was scary.
We had the same nervous habits; we were both bad in math; we were both clumsy as children; we loved old cars; and we had the same sense of humor. It was weird how similar we were.
Edward only called once, because it had been hours. He sounded happy that I was enjoying my time with my father. I knew me talking to Charlie was making Edward's day.
We never talked about the wedding. He never pushed once. I was pretty sure if I got to know Charlie a little more, I would be proud to have him walk me down the aisle. When we left to go home, I gave Charlie a hug. It was starting to feel more natural.
We even had a good laugh knowing my mother was going to play twenty questions with him when he arrived home. I was sure she was pissed that she wasn't invited. But if she would have had lunch with us, she would have never let Charlie talk.
When I arrived home, Edward wasn't there yet.
I smiled knowing I had one amazing memory of my father now. I was moving forward, and my life felt pretty perfect. I had a mother and father that loved me. I had the world's hottest fiance who loved me more than anything, and I even had his insane family to add into the mix. I was happy, and I was pretty sure nothing could go wrong.
As soon as Edward walked into the house, I jumped him. He almost fell over. I couldn't explain the feelings that were inside me. I felt so loved, and he knew how to love me right.
I was holding him in a death grip. My legs clamped around his waist, and my arms in his hair and around his neck. I couldn't get enough of him.
The only sounds that filled our house were our moans and I love yous. He even filled my ass for the first time. He fucked my pussy hard and fast. He had made a comment on what a pretty shade of red my pussy was.
At first I didn't understand why he had stopped, but I caught on quick enough. His cock was the biggest I had ever had, so when he started to push into me, I tensed up.
"Relax, Baby Girl. I want this so badly," he groaned out.
"Me too, but you're just so big," I said taking a shaky breath.
His thumb rubbed my clit, and I was finally relaxed enough for him to push all the way inside of me.
The way he filled me felt amazing. I had never felt such pleasure in my life. I loved the way his breathing was ragged, and he moved slowly. I knew he wanted to cum, and hard. His big hands gripped the inside of my thighs tightly as he moved in and out.
He picked up the pace just enough for me to get off. He couldn't hold off his orgasm any longer, and he filled my ass. His body shook; the veins in his neck bulged out; and sweat rolled off his forehead. I knew he enjoyed himself. It was only six o'clock at night and I was spent, but too hungry to sleep.
"So, I take it you had a good day?" Edward asked while we ate our dinner.
"It was one of the best days ever," I answered with a huge smile.
All Edward did was smile at me. "It's good to see you eating."
"I'm so hungry, you have no idea," I said with another smile.
My face was starting to hurt from smiling so much, but it was worth it.
Sunday morning I was woken up by the doorbell.
No one ever really just showed up without us knowing. When the doorbell rang a second time, I sat up in the bed. Edward was still out, so I quickly pulled on some clothes, put my hair in a messy bun and headed downstairs. The doorbell rang a third time as I reached the door. I was shocked to see Esme standing on the other side of the door.
"Hey," I said with a yawn.
"Sorry, I woke you," she answered as I invited her in.
I told her it was okay, and we headed for the kitchen.
I knew I had to tell Edward that his mother was here, so I told Esme I needed to brush my teeth. I don't know why I made up an excuse to leave; she knew what I was doing. I walked into the bedroom and called his name twice, but he didn't budge, so I jumped on the bed. As soon as I landed on my knees, he sat straight up.
"What the hell, Bella. Why are you up?" he asked in a grouchy voice.
"Your mom is here," I said.
"Tell her to leave. Did you let her in?"
"Of course I did. I didn't want to be rude," I said with a shrug. "We need to figure this out. Our wedding is coming up in a few weeks, and Rose and Alice are both in the wedding."
"It's too fucking early for this shit," he said throwing the blankets off of him. He threw a pair of shorts on and then went to the bathroom. I shrugged my shoulders and headed back downstairs. Esme was still sitting at the breakfast nook waiting patiently.
"Sorry about that," I said as I pulled coffee cups out of the cupboard. "Would you like a cup?"
"Please," she smiled.
"Does Carlisle know you are here?"
"Yes, that is why I'm here so early. I need to get home and start dinner. Do you think you guys could come today?" she asked.
"I'm not the one you have to ask," I reminded her as she nodded.
"I'm so sorry about everything. I should've told Edward and dealt with the consequences," she said shaking her head.
"I understand. I would've done the same thing if Edward asked," I said knowing her pain.
"I just miss Edward so much. He's my baby," she said as her eyes filled with tears.
"Please, don't cry," I said as I hugged her.
"I'm sorry. I just want my son back."
"I know. He loves you."
"I love him as if I gave birth to him," she said with a sniffle. "I'm so used to talking to him four to five times a week, and now I haven't heard from him in three weeks. I feel heartbroken."
"Mom, don't cry," I heard Edward say.
Esme jumped from her seat and threw her arms around his waist. "I'm so sorry," she cried.
I let them have their moment and I made us all a cup of coffee.
"Please come to dinner tonight. Your father will be on his best behavior."
"It's not just him. Jasper is my best friend, and he said nothing to me," Edward said.
I think it bothered him more about Jasper than his father's messed up ways.
"I know. We were all in the wrong, and I am so sorry. I know everyone else is, too," Esme said. I placed coffee in front of each of them and took a seat.
"Just come and visit for a little bit, and if you don't want to stay you don't have to," she said holding Edward's hand for dear life.
"I'll think about it," he said as I smiled.
I knew he just wanted to make Esme happy. At that moment, I knew we would at least make an appearance.
"That's all I ask," she said with a big smile. "So, how is the wedding planning going? I have talked to Renee a couple of times, but did you get the dresses for the girls?"
"We did. If we stop over tonight, I'll bring them or we can make a date to get together," I smiled.
"We never had our girls night; do you think it would be alright if we still did?" she asked Edward.
"I don't see why not, as long as Bella is up to it," he said kissing the back of my hand.
"What's wrong?" Esme asked me.
"Just been tired lately," I said.
We visited with Esme for over an hour. I could tell both of them were happy. Edward even said we would show up later on in the day. It was about time. I knew that if I could get past all the bullshit with Charlie, then Edward could forgive his family, too.
After Esme left, I threw my arms around Edward's neck. I was so happy. I giggled when he picked me up. Loving it whenever he carried me.
"I love you, Baby Girl," he said as he kissed my neck.
"I love you too, Daddy," I answered as he growled into my neck.
"I need you, Little Girl. I need to fuck that tight, little pussy," he said as he sat me on the stairs. He pulled my shorts off, and his head dove between my legs.
"Oh, Daddy, that feels so good," I moaned.
"Do you like it when daddy licks your pussy?"
"Yes. I love it, Daddy," I told him as he fucked me hard with his finger.
"I need you to suck my cock," he said as he stood.
Quickly I got to my knees and took him into my mouth. He gripped the back of my head and fucked my face. I loved when he rammed his cock down my throat. It was such a turn on that I could feel my arousal run down my thighs.
"Fuck, Baby Girl, look at you taking daddy's cock like the good girl you are," he said as I moaned around him.
I loved when he talked dirty and whimpered as he pulled out of my mouth.
"It's okay, Baby, you will get to suck me till I come soon. I promise," he said as he sat on the third step of the stairs. "Fuck me, Little Girl, and make me come in that amazing pussy," he said as I shivered.
I climbed onto his lap and I guided myself down on his thick cock. As soon as I was seated on his monster, I clamped around him. He told me I could come as his hand cracked my ass cheek; I came hard for him.
I bounced up and down on him till my tits hurt. He smacked my ass several times; pinched my nipples so hard, I thought they were going to fall off; and even wrapped his hand around my throat and gently squeezed; he let me come a second time. I knew he was close when he roughly gripped my hips and made me bounce harder and faster.
"Daddy, can I cum one more time? Please, please, Daddy," I begged breathlessly.
"Come with me, Baby Girl."
That was all it took for me to let loose again. I loved the feeling of him coming inside of me. He always made me feel so full. As soon as he was finished, I fell against him. My body was weak, and I felt like I couldn't move.
"That was out of this world, Baby," he cooed rubbing my sweaty hair out of my face. "How about we go upstairs and I'll give you a bath."
All I did was nod my head yes. He wrapped his arms around me, leaving our discarded clothes at the bottom of the stairs and carried me to our bathroom.
After our bath, I was even more relaxed.
He carried me to our bed and told me to take a nap. I didn't need to be told twice. After a morning like that, who didn't need a nap?
Edward let me sleep until the afternoon, but I was still tired, and I didn't know what was wrong with me.
I went to the bathroom and tamed my wild hair. I hated sleeping with it wet. After my hair and makeup were done, I threw on a pair of shorts and tank top.
Edward was really ahead of the game, he already had the dresses in the car and he was ready to go. He seemed almost excited to go to his parents'.
I was sure I would never understand him.
"Do you think we should act like nothing happened?" I asked as I held Edward's hand.
"I don't know. Let's just play it by ear, and when I say we are leaving, I better not have to drag you out," he said giving me a warning glance.
"I understand," I said.
When the Cullen's house came into view, I took a deep breath, here went nothing.

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