Chapter 9

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My mind was going a million miles a minute. Was the Charlie Edward introduced me to my father? That would explain why he was staring at me. I didn't I really look like him, but then again I didn't look like my mother either. Was it that easy though? I mean, do you think it is a coincidence that I started dating Edward and he knows my father? I had too much on my mind. I wanted to talk to my mother about this, but I knew she would say he just didn't want anything to do with me. I had no clue at what to do. I knew I needed to talk to Edward, but had no idea how to start that conversation. I called him when I arrived back home from lunch with Ang. He knew something was up, but I wasn't ready to talk to him about it.

The next morning, I poured myself some coffee in a travel mug and left for school. I had nothing to say to my mother. I wasn't going to trap someone with such a thing as a child. To me, that was beyond cruel. I didn't want kids anyway, she knew this. Edward asked again what my mother said, but I refused to tell him. I didn't want him to think I was like her in any way.

School dragged the next day. I wanted to go to Edward's and class was taking forever. When school was over, I went home to shower and shave. I took my time as much as I could, but was done within an hour before I was due at Edward's. I knocked on my mother's bedroom door and she was reading some mystery novel. I didn't understand how she could read them, they made me paranoid. She would read the true story and that just sent a shiver down my spine.

"I just wanted to let you know I will be staying at Edward's tonight," I told her.

She didn't take her head out of her book as she talked to me. "That's fine. When are you moving in with him?"

"Whatever, Mother," I could only roll my eyes to that and left her room slamming the door for good measure. I went to my room and blared the music, just because I knew she hated it. I was impressed she let that go for ten minutes before she came in and turned it off.

"You need to cut your shit, now," she told me with her hands on her hips. I didn't answer and that just pissed her off more. "I know you're mad at what I said yesterday, but how do plan on living? I am not going to support you for the rest of your life. Do you think I had you because I wanted kids?" she asked.

Nothing had ever hurt my feelings more than this. Not wanting to hear any more, I got up to grab my bags and left.

I was able to hold off my tears until I was in Edward's driveway. I thought I was going to lose it when I had to tell the guard my name before being allowed to enter through the gates. But was able to hold off long enough.

Letting my tears fall freely once I was parked; my heart felt broken. How could a mother say that to her child? I was only ever a paycheck to her. Part of me had always known that, but it hurt to hear anyways.

I lay my head on the steering wheel and just cried. It was one of those pms cries where everything comes out.

Not paying attention to the time until I heard a knock on the window that scared me half to death. I looked up and quickly away again, it was Edward. He opened the door of my car and pulled me into his arms.

I thought I was done crying, but started all over as soon as he hugged me. Beginning to think he was the only person that cared for me. Who knew he was going to push me to the curb, when he was bored of me. I think I am unlovable. My arms wrap around his neck in a death grip. I didn't want to lose him.

He pulled me out of the car and we stood in the drive way as I cried my eyes out. Shutting the driver side door he then picked me up. I brought my legs around his waist and he rubbed my back as he walked around to the other side of the car. He grabbed my purse and overnight bag then headed for the house with me still in his arms. The tears were coming slower as I tried to take deeper breaths. His sent was comforting me, the way he was rubbing my back and hushing me was, too. Everything about him made me feel comfort. He walked up the stairs and once we were in his room, he lay us both on the bed. I didn't want him to see my blotchy face, so I kept my head down.

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