Chapter 17

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I needed to nip this Renee bullshit in the butt. And decided I would have Charlie over as well. I figured it would be my pay back in a way. Wanting to hurt her in a way that she hurt me. I knew Charlie and Renee hated each other, and I was curious to see how they would act around each other. I knew my mother; she was as fake as they came. I was very curious as to how Charlie would act with me around.

I called Renee the Monday after Thanksgiving and she was thrilled that I was inviting her over. Charlie was called the same day; he was more shocked that I actually called. I did tell him that Renee agreed to come.

I gave him the advantage since Renee has had the upper hand so far. I also told him I didn't tell her that he was going to be there. Charlie said that was the way it had to be done or she would never show.

Irina agreed to cook dinner that day.

I think she wanted to see how all of this would play out. I talked to her about everything that had happened, and Edward telling me about him getting arrested. She seemed relieved.

I was starting to wonder if that was what she wanted to tell me. Irina did tell me she hasn't seen Edward this happy in a long time. That made me feel special. I was glad I made him as happy as he made me.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I couldn't even picture my life without him in it anymore.

I thought we were at a great place. I had gotten to know daddy-Edward very well and boyfriend Edward pretty well, but now, I was getting to know Edward, and that was making me love him more.

After having a million relationships fail, he was becoming hopeless. We both gave each other hope. I was clinging onto my hope for dear life. I wanted what we had so badly.

Underneath his tough exterior, he was a big softy.

He loved to joke, laugh, and have fun. Edward had many sides to him and I was pretty sure I knew them all.

I had to keep reminding myself that we had been together for three short months only. Life can change so fast and I knew better than to get my hopes up.

I was nervous about this dinner with my 'parents'. I never thought I would ever say that.

I wanted to get away from everything, to someplace warm, just me and Edward. I brought up that idea to him the Thursday before the big dinner.

"I want to go on a vacation," I said to him as we lay lazily on the couch.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked as he played with my feet.

"Anywhere, as long as it is warm," I said with a smile.

"You name a place, anywhere that is warm, and we will leave the day after Christmas," he told to me as my mind started to go a mile a minute.

"Really? Any place I want?" I asked.

"I told you, baby, I want to give you the world. If you want to go someplace warm, then we'll go."

"Just the two of us?"

"Is that what you want?"

"Very much," I said as he smiled.

"Then your wish is my command," he answered with a sweet smile.

I sat there and thought for a few minutes. Where did I want to go? "Oh! I know! I want to go to Key West! We can lie on the beach, get a tan, go swimming, sleep in, eat dinner on a patio, and have a lot of sex," I said with a wink as he laughed.

"That sounds so good. I like the way you think, baby," he said as he pulled me over to him.

I laid my head on his chest, and he softly ran his fingers through my hair.

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