Chapter 2

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As I parked my car, I saw Edward waiting outside for me. It took me a minute to compose myself and then I got out of the car. As soon as he saw me he smiled. His smile dazzled me. It seemed like walking form my car to him took days. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I approached him.

"Bella?" he asked with a velvety, smooth voice.

"Yes, Sir," I said and gave him my best smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"I'm sure the pleasure is all mine," he said, as he opened the door for me to enter.

"Welcome to Bella Luna, do you have reservations?" the top heavy blond said.

"Yes, Cullen, party of two," he told her. His voice was so hypnotic that I was sure I would try to keep him talking all night. The hostess seated us at a small round booth in the back. There was only one other couple seated in our area.

"Let's order and then we will talk," he said to me while I started to look over the menu. After ordering drinks and our food, he began talking. "What made you answer my ad?"

"Well, the first thing that caught my eye was your age and the age you were looking for. The youngest man I have ever dated was twenty and I was fifteen at the time," I said biting my lip to get myself to stop talking. He was making me babble and I was never that person.

"And what do your parents think of you dating men so much older?"

"Um... well, I don't know who my father is and my mother doesn't care," I said with a nervous giggle.

"What do you want from me?" he asked staring into my eyes.

"Honestly, my mother is cutting me off now that I am eighteen. Any job I could get will not pay for the lifestyle I lead." I took a deep breath hoping he wouldn't be pissed by my bluntness.

"Very good. I like your honesty, it's refreshing," he said taking a sip of his wine. "Now, let me tell you what I want out of this and let's see if you are still interested," he answered moving closer to me. I uncrossed my legs and re-crossed them so I was facing him more.

"I am very strict when it comes to the rules I set. You will get ten thousand a month to spend and if you go over that limit, you will be punished."

"What?" I asked taken back.

"I take it you have never been in a relationship with domestic discipline," he said matter of factly.

"Um, no, not really," I said shaking my head.

"I will give you the world, but I expect you to behave in a certain way." I couldn't believe the way he was talking.

"What does your punishment entail?" I asked not sure I wanted to know the answer.

"I would take you over my knee and spank you, take some of your allowance away, some days I may ground you, but nothing too harsh," he said putting his arm around the back of the booth. "Do you think you can handle that?" he whispered in my ear. The way his breath felt on my shoulder and neck made me want him more than anything. I was sure I would be able to handle a little spanking, sure it couldn't be that bad.

"Yes," I whispered. I knew he could hear me because he was still leaning into me.

"I'm very pleased with your answer," he said kissing my shoulder. His lips tingled on my skin. "Now, I will be having you sign a contract, for my own benefit. It will just state that we are in a relationship, the amount of money we agree on and what I expect you to do. These are for you," he said pulling out an envelope and handing it to me. "Read this over and then get back to me."

"May I ask you a couple of questions?" I asked placing the envelope by my small purse.

"Of course."

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