Chapter 12

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Once school was out, I headed home to wait for the girls to come get me. I knew my mother was around the house somewhere, but didn't go looking for her. I did find it strange that our house phone rang; no one ever called it. When I answered, my mother had already picked up, too. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but couldn't help it.

"Renee, I really think we need to talk," a man said.

"I don't really care," my mother said, being nasty to the man that seemed to be calm.

"She's going to find out about you, and it is going to happen sooner than later," the man said. I wondered who she was?

"Whatever, I don't care what you think." Renee answered flippant.

"She is going to hate you."

"And I hope you fall off the face of the earth," she countered.

I didn't know what had gotten into her lately, but she was becoming a really nasty person.

"Either we do this together, or you do it by yourself. And if you don't do it, I will," he said as I heard my mother huff at him.

Was this my father? Was I the she they were talking about? Why after all this time would he want me to know about him?

"I'm not doing it with or without you. She is happy," my mom said hanging up on him.

It felt like I shouldn't have cared, but I was now intrigued. I figured because of the shit my mother has pulled lately, and the money she had sucked out of other men, it was all coming back around to bite her in the ass. - Karma is a bitch; she should know that.

I was scared to talk to Edward about all of this for the fact, that if he knew he was dating his friend's daughter, would he still want me? If he wouldn't be able to handle it, I think I would die.

I loved Edward, and would never want anything to come between us. I knew, I would hate for Edward to keep anything from me, so I was already regretting keeping this from him.

As soon as the girls showed up, Alice started to talk. For the most part of the conversation all I could say was, 'yes, no, I don't know, how 'bout that, oh, wow, and I don't believe it'.

We talked about teachers from my school, and people that we disliked.

Rose and Esme didn't really say anything.

When we headed out to lunch, we all engaged in conversation. There wasn't a real talk about the way our men were. Everything we talked about was based around other people.

"So, how did you and Jasper meet?" I asked as both Esme and Rose groaned.

"Really, Bella, you had to ask that?" Rose asked in a snotty tone of annoyance.

"I want to know about all of you, not just Alice," I said in my defense.

"Alice, just tell the short version," Esme said.

"I've never done that before, but I can try," Alice said as I laughed at her. "Well, I was fifteen when I met Jazzy. He was just out of law school, and my father needed a lawyer. At first, I thought Jasper was an awful lawyer, because my father is still in jail to this day. He was the head of some drug ring. Not believing it at first of course, but it was proven. Anyway, when my dad went to jail, I had just turned sixteen," she said as I remembered hearing about all this during school.

"I didn't have a place to stay. I should have been taken into state custody, but called Jasper when they came for me. I didn't want to be put in the system, you know?

I moved in with him a few days later, and we just kinda fell into being a couple," she concluded with a smile.

"Wow, I really don't know what to say about that. What about you, Esme?" I asked.

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