Chapter thirteen

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After the scene that I had made with Juice last night I went into my room and cried until my entire felt wet from tears, I had never cried that much in such a long time not since mom had died. When I woke up this morning I was almost scared at my appearance, my eyes looked bloodshot and my face was red from my crying all last night until I fell asleep.

I was still wearing my shorts and sports bra when I woke up and they wreaked of my sweat from the night before, I was pretty disgusted with myself when I noticed everything on me but I guess last night I didn't really care. I felt hurt, hurt because Juice the past couple days had been talking to me and treating me like he had still known me. He missed out on me growing up and I hope he doesn't expect to come back into my life so suddenly and so quickly.

A light knock at the door snapped my eyes away from my reflection, part of me didn't want to answer the door and just crawl back into bed but it felt as if my legs moved on their own as they made there way to the door and opened it slightly. Happy's face was the first thing I saw when the door opened, his expression slightly changed when he saw me "uh" he said but almost couldn't make out the words. I got annoyed of waiting and pulled the door fully open and walked over to my dresser.

Happy stepped inside my room "I think we should hurry up because you're gonna be late for school" he didn't even look at me when he spoke, his eyes darted around the room like he was trying to find something. "And by 'we' you mean 'I' should hurry up" I grabbed a pair of black leggings, a thong, bra, socks and then went over to my closet and grabbed a grey V-neck t-shirt "uh yeah" Happy scratches the back of his neck being pretty uncomfortable around me.

"Alright" I sighed and reached for the hem of my shorts but stopped and looked at Happy, his eyes met mine and realized that I wanted him to leave "oh" he said quietly and left and shut the door. I threw on my clothes and brushed my teeth and hair but didn't bother with my make up and grabbed my school bag beside my bed then left.

When I got to the bar Happy was slouched on a stool beside Tig while I noticed Juice behind the bar top "good morning" Juice said when he saw me with a hopeful look on his face I guess he must've thought that I had slept off our fight, I rolled my eyes and walked to Happy and whispered in his ear "let's go" I stood back up straight and started to walk out "do you want some coffee?" Juice spoke up again.

I saw Tig slide down in his seat as Happy got up to follow me, I stopped and turned my head to him and just glared then continued my way and out the door. I heard Happy shut the door behind himself and jogged to catch up to me "you know he's trying really hard to be a good brother" Happy commented I turned sharply to him and almost made him fall as he stopped "my family is none of your business" I spat "you're right I just thought maybe you should just,you know, talk to him or something and work it out" Happy finished

I sighed and turned back around and walked to Happy's Bike in the parking lot "so now you giving me the silent treatment too" Happy spoke walking behind me, I didn't respond I just seated myself on Happy's bike. I looked over at Happy who stood and just looked at me with almost a disgusted expression "let's just go Lowman" I said quietly, he shook his head in frustration and sat down in front of me. He handed me a helmet which I took and put on, the bike started up but we didn't move "am I gonna have to fight with you every time to hang on?" Happy said loud enough to me "why not, maybe if I'm lucky I'll fall off the back" I said sarcastically and wrapped my arms around his waist.

When we got to the school me and Happy looked like polar opposites, he looked like this bad ass fun-time biker while I looked like a scared little girl that was too shy to speak. I climbed off and handed Happy his helmet "what time do I gotta be here for?" Happy asked "3:15 if you can" I replied as I put my other back pack strap on around my shoulder, Happy nodded and looked at me as a small smirk grew on his face "what?" I asked "you need to smile, you look like a depressed mop when you don't" before I could answer he sped off and down the road. Asshole


I barley made it through my last class, I had a terrible head ache and was tired as fuck. I was glad and upset to hear the last bell as it rang in my ears and made my migraine worse, when I walked back to the parking lot I saw Happy just sitting on his bike and looking down at his phone. He looked up and noticed me and nodded his head towards me, I started to pick up speed but almost fell down when I body stopped in front of me. "What the hell" I said which caught Happy's attention when I looked up I saw the same guy that had bugged me yesterday "hey it's not my fault you can't keep your hands off me" he smirked.

I tried to walk around him but got stopped again "why don't you just ride back to my place with me" he purred "no fucking thanks" I said as I continued to try and walk past him "oh come on" he grabbed my wrist and I quickly pulled it back "don't touch me" I barked back at him, his hand reached out again but a loud voice made him pause "Hey!" The guy in front of me turned around and came face first into Happy's fist which knocked him down "touch her again and I'll kill you, got that!" He yelled at the guy who was now holding his hand to his cheek.

Me and Happy met eyes again "are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Happy asked "no no I'm fine" I said trying to calm him down "come on" he put his hand on my back and was lightly pushing me to his bike. I climbed on as did he but when he turned around to hand me my helmet, I don't know what case over me but, I leaned forward a lightly kissed his cheek "thanks Hap" I said softly and took the helmet, he was slightly shocked for a minute but then just nodded his head at me and started up the bike.


We were driving down the street to TM but when we approached the entrance I noticed the same black -tinted windows van - that keeps following me, Happy slowed down noticing them too "why the hell are they here" I said out loud by accident "what?" Happy looked back at me "uh it's nothing" I said as we pulled in.

Happy quickly made his way inside with me following behind him "Sack who is the black van outside?" Happy's gruff voice said, Half Sacks back was to the bar as he looked on the TV same as us "I don't know" he said "how long have they been there?" I asked " about an hour maybe" he shrugged "and you didn't tell Jax?" Happy said sounding mad "I did but he said to leave-" he trailed off his sentence as Happy walked out of the club house "stay here" he pointed at me.

Like I would go anywhere else now.

Lowmans babyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora