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Thanks to TreeFroggie for voting on 8-ball x Basketball!

Thanks to stickman1609 adding this book to debeste books and for voting on all the ships chapter!

Thanks to wILDhAMSTER4 for adding Apple x Onion to wILDhAMSTER4's reading list, voting on chapter three of Apple x Onion, and commenting on chapter 4 of Apple x Onion!

GB's pov

         When Coiny said that GB and TB had a crush on each other he was right,at least my end. When I said it was platonic I wasn't fully lying(because you could love a person but not in a platonic way). We've been a duo since the first season, and ever since then I've had a crush on him. He comes up to me, my heart already racing a mile a minute. I blush a light pink and ask"H-hey what's up?" He looks at me,blushes light pink, and asks"Well I was wondering if you were to go on a date with me..." A date?!?!?!? I shot up,kept calm, and said"So would you want to go to Gelatin's steakhouse?" He said"Yeah that's the best." I held his hand as me and him were walking, he was blushing a light red. He's so cute! We sit down at a table. Gelatin soon comes up to us and asks"So would you two like?" I looked at the menu and said"A sprite and some chicken wings please." He said"Ok." and wrote it down on a notepad. He asked TB"So what would you like,sir?" TB said"Just a water and chicken wings." He wrote it down and said"Since I'm the only one running this place,expect Fries who is sick today, it will be a bit." We passed our menus to Gelatin. For the first few minutes I just sat there wondering what to say. I knew the biological reason behind everything,not the social. After 5 more minutes TB asked"So why do people ship two people/objects together?" I say, with confidence,"Well people ship two people/objects together because they like the idea of them dating and other such. Some examples would be Leafy and Bubble,Pin and Needle, and me and you." My face was flushed with pink after I said the last part(his face was too). Gelatin said, while carrying our food,"Well it's all done!" We both say thank you, as he walks off. Through eating we had a conversation that I will now recite now. I asked"So why did you even ask me out?" His face goes flushed with dark pink and said"B-because I love you G-golf ball." I said,almost tears in my eyes as a light red hue appears across my face,"That's incorrect grammar but I love you!" After we were done eating we paid the bill and went outside the restaurant. I didn't even triple check if I was sure with doing this, but at this point I didn't care. I kissed him. It felt like fireworks as my face heated up. After I pulled away his face was flushed with dark red. He waved goodbye and I walked home. I'm just so happy after all those years I kissed him!

No art. I am really lazy on art.

Word count: 518

Writing oneshots #2 and some artKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat