Masky x Top Hat

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(Sorry if their personalities I haven't watched Object Overload in a while)
Requested by WiiFanNumber12005

Masky's pov

I had just arrived at the party. You see the main alliance which is Toothy, Coney, Flyswat, and Boxing Glove, had hosted one of the biggest events of the year, except for the competition of course. This was one of our few days in the competition so of course, they would hold it. I didn't really want to go, I mean I am just an average girl but the only thing that wanted me to get me to go to this stupid place was that my crush was going.

God, I really don't know what I would do without him. He is such a gentleman and I guess that's my type. He upholds chivalry while people like Dusty can barely hold a conversation with anybody, especially girls, without making an immature joke in like the first 5 minutes. That's why I like him, he is extra nice to all the girls. Not to mention his fashion taste. He is one of the few boys, especially here, that actually has a good fashion taste. He always dresses in a suit and tie, and I'm hoping tonight he'll be in a tuxedo and bowtie. That would be so cute!

Anyhow, as for me, I'm wearing the cheapest dress I could find at a thrift store. Not exactly fancy but it doesn't show anything revealing nor is it too long, it's right in the middle, even if it is just solid light brown, it still looks pretty I hope. My hair is up in a ponytail with a bow and of course a mask. Why else would I be named Masky?

Anyways, getting to now, I was walking in and I just sat down beside the punch bowl and took a sip. Not half bad, must be grape. Coney sat on a chair beside me with her orange twin tails and a white flowy dress. She looked to be sad at something.

"Why the long face?" I ask.

She sighed. "It's just...promise you can keep a secret?"

I nodded and she leaned close to my ear. "I kinda like Toothy..."

"Well, what's the problem?"

"I don't know how to tell him! We've been friends for years...what if he says no?"

"Just tell him you'll never know if you....don't...." As I said that I had a realization, that was also true for my situation as well.

"Hm?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing nothing..." We sat there in awkward silence until we heard a vehicle pull up. The rest of the people had just walked so naturally Coney and I were curious so we tried to see what it was. But I guess most of the other people must have had a similar idea because it was so crowded that when we tried to look at what the vehicle was, we couldn't see it. At all. But once the person got on the ground and climbed up the ladder, of course, everyone made space for them. And when I heard the clacking of tap shoes from this figure on the ladder, I knew. And when they walked up, I was right. It was Top Hat! Honestly, I could have fainted right there because of how dreamy he was!

Since this was considered formal, or at least more formal than how he usually is, he did his hair really nice and got a cute little top hat for his head and the tuxedo and bowtie. Mind you the rest of the guys were wearing very cheap tuxedos or those tuxedo T-shirts but Top Hat deadass showed up in a very fancy tuxedo.

As he walked to the punch bowl, I grabbed his arm. Pretty bold I know but I was curious on how he felt about well me. So I was ready to take the rejection.

He stopped in his tracks and looked over at me, asking, "Beg your pardon?" God his accent was so cute.

"U-Um can you meet me o-outside?"

"Why of course!" He climbed down the ladder and I did so afterward.

Once we were both on the solid ground away from everyone, I puffed out my chest. I know this might result in failure. I know he might hate me. We've vaguely talked before and he's a really nice guy I just don't know if he likes me like that. I know I don't know that much about him, but I want to discover him as he discovers me, if that makes any sense.

"So..why did you bring me here, miss?" He asked which snapped me back to reality and out of my thoughts. This was happening for real.

"I-I have very strong f-feelings for you..." I said while shaking a bit, hoping for the best and expecting the worst.

To my surprise, he kissed my hand. "I do too, m'lady." I could not tell you how red I was at that moment.

"R-Really?" I asked in confusion.

He nodded. "But first I need you to show me you have what it takes."

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"By dancing and acting here and then when we get home mind you acting and perhaps a story as well? I already love you, I just want you to reach your full potential."

I nodded and we both climbed back up. There was a spot where people could sing, do stand up comedy, or whatever else. I walked up there with Top Hat who was very confused.

The song that was playing at that time was Doki Doki Forever, so I started singing as Yuri and Top Hat sang as Monika. I reached most of the high notes and while I could tell he was trying to hide it, and he did, for the most part, there were a few times where his voice did crack.

Once we got down from the stage I asked him "What dance should we do?"

"Depends on the music."

After Doki Doki Forever was done playing, there was some classical slow music. "I suppose we will do this."

I held onto him. "What are you doing...?"

"Slow dancing with you? You can put your head to my chest can't ya?"

He blushed bright red. "A-Are you sure? I-I mean you can just do it t-to me...that is a...senstive part, i-is it not?"

She giggled. "It'll be fine ya big goof."

With some hesitation, he did so. We slow-danced until the end of the song. Everyone was confused but was clapping so that was a good sign. Once we were done slow dancing we climbed down the ladder and I have no clue how I didn't notice it when I confessed to him but he arrived in the largest limo I've ever seen in my life!

"Is this yours??" I asked excitedly.

"Yep, now come now d-dear." He said, still a little red from slow dancing, and led her to the car and ordered the driver to drive them back to his place. It wasn't too far away from the party but far enough to justify driving there. They both got out and went in.

"Woaaa! It's so big!" I exclaimed while spinning around the huge mansion.

"Pardon my language but that will be taken out of context."

"So where should I perform?"

He shrugged. "Anywhere is fine."

I started reciting Shakesphere since it was the closest thing to fancy I know. And when I say Shakesphere I mean Romeo and Juliet because that's the only thing I know him for like at all. Anyways needless to say it was...difficult doing it as a one-person thing, but I used my hands to have my hair down when I'm speaking lines of Juliet and to have my hair up when I'm doing lines of Romeo. After I did the classic scene from that play, he was clapping.

"Good show, jolly good show!"

I smiled and blushed. "Thank you..."

He walked up to me and asked "May I hug you?"

I nodded and he hugged me. "Just a story."

"Wouldn't that count as a story?"

He thought about it for a moment "Guess you're right, wanna sleep at my place? It is pretty late..."

"Sure! Where is your bedroom?"

"You want to sleep with me...?"

" that ok...?"

He blushed. "Well a-as long as you want to, s-sure."

He led me to his room where we got in bed together and soon feel asleep,

The end

Word count: 1,365 words

Writing oneshots #2 and some artNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ