Flower x Ruby

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Flower's pov

                   I-I don't know why I do but I l-love Ruby. Gosh, I'm  stuttering in my diary... Anyways when Ruby said I was beautiful,now I already knew that I had a crush on her but, when she said that I knew she had a crush on me too....hopefully. I go up to Ruby,not caring whether she said yes or no, I just had to get it out of my system. I tap on Ruby's shoulder. She turns around and said"Oh hey Flower!" She then hugs me. I blush light pink and rub her back. She pulled away and I said"R-ruby I have to tell you something..." Well it seems like I have screamed into a megaphone because now everyone was surrounding us. I blush a dark pink. I see my ex(Blocky) cheering for me. I say"R-ruby I-I love you." She blushed a light red and said" I love you too!" I then kissed her. I heard a big'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!' 4 came rushing over and said"Nobody can be in relationships." I said,pulling away,"But you're gay for someone here." 4's face goes flushed with pink and says"Never mind..." I drive Ruby home and I go to my house.

4's pov

         X asked me"What was all that Flower was talking about?" I said" Umm... N-nothing!" X looked confused but said"Alright..." My feelings for him are growing stronger every second. I just hope I can tell him soon...

Word count: 236 words

Writing oneshots #2 and some artKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat