Paper Airplane x Flyswat

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Requested by SeekerGirl2244

After the recent addition of Picture into their alliance, it inspired such things, such as Toothy and Coney getting together. Since some people admired them, it kind of had a ripple effect on people to confess to their crushes. Everybody but Paper Airplane and Flyswat.

They were good friends, of course, but they were also in this weird middle position of them thinking the other liked them back, but not being sure of it. It was a little bit like Love is War, just neither of them being as smart. However, it was a constant battle.

They were all sitting in the alliance, Toothy and Coney holding hands, same goes for Picture and Boing Glove, and Paper Airplane and Flyswat sitting awkwardly next to each other. Other than the fact that Paper Airplane had no hands, the tension had not yet been broken between them on the big question. 'Does the other like me back?'

Coney turned to Toothy and whispered to him "Man those two are not clicking yet, are they?"

"Well you're right about that, but how will we make them click?"

She thought about a plan for a moment before having an "A-ha!" moment. "We could make them a table and food and stuff!"

She said this loud enough for the others to hear. Boxing Glove and Picture looked a little smug while the other two were confused.

Toothy looked around their treehouse, brown with paint all over the walls. "In here?"

"Well.." She shrugged. "Why not?"

"Hmm...I guess we can work this..."

She hugged him tightly. "D'aww thanks you're the best boyfriend ever!"

He blushed red. ""

"Now how will we make this...?"

He thought for a moment on who could build a table and food, but before that, he realized something else. "Uh, Coney..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"They're still in the clubhouse..." He said, pointing towards Paper Airplane and Flyswat.

"Oh! One of you, please escort them out."

Boxing Glove kindly led them out to the ladder where they climbed down until they hit the ground.

"What do you think they're planning?" Flyswat asked.

"Well that snippet we heard from Coney and considering we were the only ones who had to get out, I would assume they're making something for us." Paper Airplane stated.

"Yea but.." He sighed, "I already know that, but what is it that they're making?"

"I'm...not sure..."

"Ok! Does any of you know what either likes to eat?" Toothy asked the remaining few.

" about traditional spaghetti? It would be a cute scene," Coney suggested.

Toothy thought about it for a moment. "Yes, it would be it is way overused. I appreciate your thought but no."

Boxing Glove raised his hand. "Yes Boxing Glove?"

"What if we make icecream?"

"That would be cute, seeing Flyswat feed Paper Airplane, since he doesn't have hands, but we can have that as the main course. But you're on the right track with sweets...that can be dessert."

"Ooo!" Coney said, practically bouncing with joy. "What about cake pops?"

"I like that idea, that can be side dishes, but what would be the main course...?"

Writing oneshots #2 and some artWhere stories live. Discover now