Boxing Glove x Picture

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Requested by SeekerGirl2244

Boxing Glove was hated by almost everyone. It was pretty sad but true. All except for one person, though he could not express it very clearly, Picture. He mainly kept to himself, not only because he couldn't speak, but...yea that's the main reason. That was until one fateful day when Toothy asked Picture to join the alliance.

"Hey, Picture!" Toothy shouted from a distance. Picture looked up from a book he was reading and had a curious expression on his face, especially since Toothy was out this late of night.

"So...wanna join our club?" He asked. Picture was even more confused. Why would they want him?

"Oh! Too uh draw cover art for our club. I heard of you're pretty good at art." Picture thanked him, through body language, but also rubbed two of his fingers together, indicating he wanted money.

"Of course!" Toothy handed him the money on the spot. Picture was a bit startled but took the money gladly.

"Come on, I'll show you around!" He said as he pointed to the treehouse in the distance. Picture shrugged and picked up his book before walking with him. He saw Coney, Flyswat, Paper Airplane, and Boxing Glove...?

Huh, he never knew Boxing Glove was apart of the alliance but he didn't really mind that much. Toothy introduced him to all the members even though he knew all of their names but his eyes mainly stayed on Boxing Glove. At the time, he didn't know why.

Boxing Glove noticed his gaze and awkwardly waved at him, mainly scared that he was like everyone else outside of the alliance, he was judging him.

"So...who do you want to get to know first? The transportation, Paper Airplane, The awesome girl, Coney, The cool dude, Flyswat, The...Boxing Glove, or me, the best leader ever?" Picture pointed to Boxing Glove before sitting next to him.

"You want to talk" Boxing Glove asked. Picture nodded. Boxing Glove started making jokes, mainly about Toothy, which made Picture laugh. This made the others, including Picture himself, very surprised. Even Picture thought he couldn't utter a sound but I suppose he just couldn't talk words

"You can make sound...?" Boxing Glove asked. He nodded again. "So can you...feel emotions?" Picture gave a bewildered expression but nodded. "Can you feel like love and-"

Boxing Glove was cut off by Toothy. "Oh gosh, Picture I forgot to mention something!" He sighed. "How could I forget? We're going hiking in the woods tomorrow! There's a legend if a group makes it up there, then all will be resolved, including any romantic things. Like a love triangle or people just generally being in love without knowing it." As he was saying the last part, he looked towards Coney. As if almost in unison, Paper Airplane and Flyswat also looked at each other. Boxing Glove and PIcture just shrugged, not thinking much of it at the time.

"Huh...I guess it's about time ready for bed." Coney announced. Picture looked around, confused. "Oh, we sleep in sleeping bags. Or in the forest." He nodded and started to climb down the ladder. Once he got down, he got startled that Boxing Glove was right behind him.

"So like the alliance so far?" He asked. Picture nodded. "Who's your favorite member?" Picture was about to point towards him, but shrugged, not knowing much about any of them, except that Boxing Glove was a lot nicer than everyone made him out to be.

"Well, you'll meet everyone else on the hiking trip. Do you have nightmares?" Picture was confused by the sudden subject change, but it was night. He nodded shyly. "Aww, it'll be ok." He held his hand. "Just squeeze if you're having a panic attack, ok?" Picture blushed slightly but nodded.

Writing oneshots #2 and some artWhere stories live. Discover now