(A/N) Where have I been?

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Before I post my most recent one-shot, thought I should explain some things. Firstly, I've been either drawing or calling with friends the majority of the time. Secondly, I have this really stupid standard that I have to get at least 1,000 or so words every one shot which is not true at all which has made writing...daunting to say the least. But I realize that good things can come in small packages so expect the writing to be all over the place(in terms of how long it is) because I want to have fun writing, not worried about how long it is. Plus I feel like that can add unesscary fluff to a story. So yea, don't expect this to update too too often though even with that said. Takes a lot for me to write down anything.

Writing oneshots #2 and some artWhere stories live. Discover now