Casey x Popcorn

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Requested by SeekerGirl2244

Casey's pov

I met up with Popcorn like I always did, it was the usual, I mean we're friends after all. She was looking noticeably more shy than she usually was, which was usually not at all and if she was, it was very very little.

"What's wrong Popcorn?" I asked her once I walked to her.

She turned around to face me. "Oh, nothing Casey just wanted to ask you something..."

I was kinda pumped, I mean I did like her and all that so I thought she was going to ask me out. "Well, what is it?"

"I was wondering...if you want to come over to my house...for a makeover party if you don't mind."

This was weird for her, sure she wasn't a hermit crab or a loaner, but she wasn't a social butterfly or the type to hold a party or anything. "A party...?"

"Well...just me and you...I guess but it sounds more fun when I put party after it." She said.

This is what I loved about her, she kinda overthought some things. "Well whatever it is, I don't mind. What time?"

She tugged on my wrist slightly. "Well now if you don't mind..."

"Of course I don't, lead the way!" This was all playing out well. I started imaging what kind of makeup and dresses and bows and accessories I was going to wear once we got there.

"Walk right inside." Popcorn said as she unlocked the door. I walked right in and it looked really fancy, especially since half the other objects don't even have houses.

"It's lovely!" I said.

"Aww, thanks. Ready for all the makeup?"

I nodded and she led me to her bedroom where all her makeup was. However before we got started on that or any dresses, we had to deal with our hair. I wanted mine as pigtails and she was going to have her hair as a messy bun.

Hers was pretty easy to do considering she just had the right amount of hair to do a messy bun since her hair was pretty short and was light blonde. Mine, however, was long and a half was dark purple, the other half was dark green. We had to cut about an inch or two for it to even fit as the two pigtails.

"Phew...that was hard to do, huh?" She asked.

"Well for me yea...yours looks good."

She smiled and I could feel my heart melt. She was so cute...

After we were done with each other's hair, the next logical step was, of course, the dresses! She picked out a pale yellow one while I went searching through the multiple dresses she had in her closet. Oddly enough there was a dark purple and a dark green one stitched together so it was half and half. I shrugged it off and changed into it, it was pretty long, going to my ankles, but I didn't mind. I felt awesome in it.

"Oo you know that dress really brings out your hair, you know!" She complimented me.

"Aww, thanks..." I responded, hugging her slightly.

She giggled. "Well wanna move onto makeup?"

"Oh you know I do!"

She sat me down at her little vanity with all the lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, foundation, and everything else any girly girl would only dream of having. How did she have so much!?

After washing my face and applying foundation, bronzer, and highlighter, she asked, "What color of eyeshadow do you want?"

I thought about it for a little while. "Purple on one eye and green on the other."

She did so and most of my makeup was green and purple besides mascara. I had purple lipstick, green eyeliner, and of course, pink blush. Hers was vaguely the same, say for yellow as her main color instead. However, she did have purple lipstick.

After we were all done with the makeup and after we had picked out accessories(I had a pink bow and she had a pink purse), I realized, what was the point of all of this?

So I asked her and she took a deep breath and simply said: "So that I could feel confident to tell you..something."

"Well, what do you have to tell me?" I asked.

She grinned shyly and said "...that I love you"

I wrapped my arm around her. "I do too, girlfriend!"

"No I mean like...more than a friend."

"Oh I know dear, I love you too."

You should've seen the look on her face, you would've thought I told her she was going to Mars tomorrow. She leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. I giggled and most of the night after that we just stayed up watching movies until we finally fell asleep, me cuddling her.

The end

Words: 805 words

Writing oneshots #2 and some artKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat