Tree x Bottle

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Requested by stickman1609

Bottle's pov

It was another boring, boring day at the flower shop. Considering its February and "the month of love" and stuff you would expect it to be busy all the time, right? Not exactly, the flower shop is right next to a McDonald's, not exactly the most romantic spot. I'm not sure how the flower shop stays open some months honestly.

I just pulled out some magazine we also sold at our shop, it was your usual 'Lose 50 pounds in one day with this one weird trick cause famous celebrity said so!' but it was something to read, not something good, but something. As I was slumped down, I heard a bell from the door.

I stood up as I had been totally working for the past 5 hours of my 7-hour shift. However as he walked in, he looked vaguely familiar. Oh!

"Hey, Tree!" I said cheerfully, not only because we had to so people wouldn't leave, but also because I was genuinely happy to see him. "Whatcha need here?"

"Oh well I was just looking for some transparent flowers, like those little ones on Etsy or something, but larger and more noticeable."

This was an...odd request, but I could make the most of it. "Coming right up!" I walked to the backroom for employees, I heard the 2 others usually smoked or something in here, highly doubt it. I searched around and eventually found the transparent-looking flowers he was looking for.

"Got 'em!" I said, coming out of the door with a handful of the flowers he had asked for.

"Thanks!" He said, picking up the flowers. "However I only need one."

I took the other 7 I had given him out of his hand. "Sorry 'bout that, anyways that'll be $7, sir."

He handed me the money and walked out. I sighed happily, we hadn't talked in a few months, but he was still a big heartthrob to me. I had fallen for him once we started having more deep and in-depth conversations that showed me who he was as a person. Plus he was hilarious.

The next day, February 2nd, he came back in. He ordered the same flowers over and over again every day. It was odd, especially since we never had one sole customer who continuously kept coming to our store. Granted we never had anybody come in but still, this was...odd.

The day before Valentine's day finally arrived, couples frantically came running into our shop all of a sudden. Except for the fact that it was one day before Valentine's day, there was no reason for people to be coming to the shop. We didn't have any sales or anything like that.

After 5 hellish hours, there was only one customer left. By far the cutest customer...

"Hello?" Tree snapped his fingers in front of me. "Anybody home?"

"Gah! Y-Yes!" I stood up straight, slightly embarrassed since I was just staring at his face.

He giggled. God, it was cute. "I was just wondering if you had those transparent flowers."

"Of course, we always have some in the back." I rushed into the back room and returned with one of his beloved flowers. "So...planning on a valentine or something for all the flowers?"

He awkwardly laughed. "Well...uh...shoot you caught on, huh?"

I nodded. "It is a little suspicious when you're buying the exact same flower every day for about half a month."

"I'll get the final flower tomorrow, see you Bottle!" He said while waving to me.

I smiled and waved back. I wonder who he would give it to...

He returned the next day like he said he would. Sometimes it sucks working all the time when the other two never show up but for some reason are still employed, but he makes it so much better.

He came in with the last 13 flowers and he looked nervous. I mean anybody would if they were confessing to their crush.

He pulled out the usual 7 dollars and said what he always says. "O-One transparent f-flower...please."

I gave him the usual flower from the back and gave him back his change. He took a deep breath and then handed all the flowers to me.

"Eheh...Tree you can't return fake flowers without a receipt..." I said with an awkward giggle.

He shook his head. "I-I don't want t-to do that, th-these are for you..."

I felt my face heat up like gasoline on a fire. "Th-They are?"

He nodded shyly. I walked around from the counter, holding the flowers, and pecked his cheek, well if he were human at least. His face as red as Blocky and I giggled. He helped me during the rest of my shift, mainly cleaning and goofing off.

Who knew one day of the year would help me be with the love of my life? Well everyone since it was Valentine's day but still that doesn't sound as deep.

The end

Sorry if that was short but this was the only thing I could think of for this ship. Oh and I, unfortunately, don't remember where but this was heavily inspired by a TodoDeku oneshot I read.

Word count: 864 words

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