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The next day
I said goodbye to the others and headed to my old school for tech rehearsal. They are performing Heathers the musical at school and the person playing Veronica has come down with the flu so I'm stepping in tonight for opening night. I played Veronica in our last production so I was familiar with her performance and everything backstage. I said to the others I'll save them a seat so I put a 'reserved' sign on 5 chairs near the front for them. As I arrive Grace meets me. "Thank you so much for helping us out."
"No worries." I said before heading backstage to have my fitting. Like I said I played her before and although they keep all the costumes from previous performances I'd rather be safe then sorry.
I find Dawn the lady in charge of all the costumes and she immediately hugs me. "So good to see you again."
I hug her back. "You too." I get changed and then someone mics me up. We complete one full run through, I was a little pitchy but I haven't properly warmed up. Whoever was playing JD was running late so we had to practice without him. As I'm waiting for further instructions someone approaches me.
"Hey babe." Sam says in his ever so annoying voice.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Same reason as you."
I look at him and see he's dressed in JD's costume.
"Doesn't this feel like dejavu."
I roll my eyes. When me and him were together we both starred in Heathers, he was JD and I was Veronica. We certainly had chemistry that made playing our roles easier but he's the last person I want to be kissing.
"Is lover boy coming tonight?" He asked.
"I'll make sure I give him a performance then."
He smirked. "Shall we practice some of our scenes just us?"
"I'd rather just improvise."
"Don't worry I'll make sure it's exactly like last time."
Before I could say anything I was called on stage.


I had enough time to meet the others for food before I had to do my hair and makeup. Before I left I pulled Shawn to the side.
"There's something you should know."
He gave me a worried look. "What?"
"Sam is performing tonight."
"He's plays JD who is Veronica's boyfriend so we have to kiss and there's one scene where-"
He cuts me off. "You don't need to explain. You're acting and I'm sure you'll be amazing."
"Ok well I've reserved you all a seat so I'll see you after."
He nodded and then I kissed him goodbye.


After my hair and makeup was done I got into my first costume and then peered behind the curtain. Shawn and the others were waiting patiently looking at the programme. I started to regret putting them so close to the stage but they were the only seats available last minute. I waited behind stage, my palms were sweaty and my heart was pounding. The backstage team came and put a mic on me. The lights suddenly went down and that was my cue to enter the stage. It is silent as I get into position. "September 1st 1989. Dear diary...." A spotlight then shone down on me. My eyes shift to Shawn before my next line. He was smiling. "I think I'm a good person. I believe there's good in everyone. But here we are, first day of senior year."
The performance starts and I surprise myself with how much I can remember.


I walk out onto the stage for Dead Girl Walking and immediately regret seating Shawn and the others so close to the front. JD's bed is positioned practically under their noses so they really will be getting a good view. I shove my feelings inside and begin when the lights go up.
When the scene finishes I catch a glimpse of Shawn and the others and he's smiling as he claps which is a good sign.


The performance was almost over with only few scenes left. I suddenly got nervous as I Say No drew closer. It's the song in rehearsal
I was most pitchy singing.
As the scene between JD and his dad comes to end I prepare myself standing stage left. Can't back out now. Maybe I was trying too hard in rehearsals? So I'm not going to force it. Unlike Dead Girl Walking my position is front right of the stage so I won't have Shawn sat in front of me. Although I'm not sure if that would've helped or not. I did as I said and didn't force it. My voice was perfect. I finished and couldn't help but smile to myself. The audience was silent for a few seconds before they broke out in applause and I got a standing ovation. Not expecting it my hand goes to my chest and I lock eyes with Shawn and the others. He has the biggest smile on his face and they are all cheering. I smile and the exit the stage for the last few scenes.

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