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In The Blood - John Mayer


I woke up Monday morning and put on my black ripped jeans and grey sweatshirt.
I took my hair out of the braids I done last night and brushed it through with my hands.
I quickly ate some breakfast and got into Shawn's car. He drove me to school as usual and I met Syd at the gate.
For some reason our timetables had been changed which didn't really help because I'm still getting used to this school. Fortunately I was put with Syd for most of my lessons.
I had English first period, I hated it but sitting next to Syd made it tolerable. Ever since she came and spoke to me on my first day we've become closer, she's the first person I go to when I need advice or support.
We grabbed something to eat and drink and sat down at break. I noticed she couldn't take her eyes off her phone. "What was your answer for the second question in English?" She ignored me.
Maybe she didn't hear me. "Oi!" She didn't even look up. "Syd!"I scrunched up a bit of paper from my notebook and threw it at her.
"Ow! What?" She kept her eyes on her phone.
"Who are you talking to that's more interesting than me?" I asked.
"No one." She was clearly lying.
I quickly took her phone off her and scrolled through her messages.
My eyes widened. "Dan!"
She immediately covered my mouth with her hand. "Shhhh you can't tell anyone!"
I took her hand off my mouth. "Why?"
"I really like him and I don't want people to find out and mess it up."
Who would mess with Sid? she's one of the nicest people I know.
"Have you been on a date yet?" I asked.
She went silent. I smirked slightly. "Have you?"
She looked at me. "Maybe"
I took a sip of my drink. "Did you kiss?"
"Maybe." She smiled slightly.
"Did you do anything else?"
"Maybe" She quickly changed the subject. "What are you doing Friday after school?"
I checked my phone. "Nothing why?"
"Dan wants us to go on a double date with you and Jake."
I pulled my eyebrows together. "Why me and Jake?"
She lowered her voice. "I didn't tell you this but he has a huge crush on you."
She looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Yes but don't tell anyone, can you come?"
"I'll think about it." I replied. The bell rang for the end of break and we headed to Maths.
I sat in my seat and waited for the lesson to start. As soon as I sat down Dan turned around to talk to me. "Hey Jazz."
I leaned in closer to him. "I heard about you and Syd how did that start?"
He blushed slightly. "When she locked you and Shawn in here the other day I sat with her at lunch so she wasn't alone and we've been talking ever since."
"Do you like her?" I asked.
"Of course I do."
I was about to ask him another question but couldn't because Syd approached us.
She pulled out Shawn's chair next to me and sat down.
"Where's Shawn?" He dropped me off at school so I know he's here today.
Jake turned around to join in our conversation. "Where do you think he is?" He said raising his eyebrows.
"Lyndsey?" Why wasn't I surprised.
"Yep." Mr Jacobs started the lesson so they both turned back around.
15 minutes went by and Shawn came in, his hair was scruffy again and his clothes were creased.
Because Syd was in his seat he had to sit somewhere else, I was glad because things are a little awkward between us.
I nudged Syd. "How does he get away turning up to lessons late?"
"Like Mr Jacobs said he's the top student, he can get away with anything and his maths won't be affected." She replied.
"That's so unfair!"
Shawn knew we were talking about him and every so often I caught him staring at us.
The bell rang for lunch and somehow Syd had convinced me to go on this double date with her and Dan. Dan and Jake sat with us at lunch and Shawn disappeared after Maths. I managed to avoid Lyndsey all day. I do not want to see her but I know she's going to want another confrontation at some point.

Me and Sid had a free period so we decided to get a drink at the coffee shop a few blocks away from school. I ordered a tea and she got some coffee. We were sitting and chatting to eachother when Lyndsey came over and stood at the end of our table staring at us. "What are you two bitches doing here?" I rolled my eyes. "Having a drink, what does it look like?"
"Don't get sarcastic with me." She snapped.
"What do you want?" I'm not in the mood for an argument.
She rested her hand on her hip. "I need to have a word with you."
"Go ahead." I said.
"I know that what happened Saturday was not you slipping." She leaned down and got closer to me "Stay away from Shawn or I will make your life a living hell."
I sat up. "You know Lyndsey your ass must be jealous of all that shit coming out of your mouth." Syd immediately spat her coffee out in laughter.
"I'm not going to tell you again." She stormed out of the shop and slammed the door behind her.
Sid grabbed some napkins and wiped her mouth. "I really hate that girl, no wonder Shawn broke up with her."
"Wait? Shawn broke up with her?"
"Yeah, she cheated on him countless times" She had to grab more napkins and clean the coffee off the table which made me laugh.
I was shocked, Shawn seemed like the type of guy who would cheat on his girlfriend, not be the one getting cheated on. I kinda felt sorry for him. Sid sat back down. "Thanks for agreeing to come on a double date with me and Dan, I heard Jake is looking forward to it." She winked. I kicked her under the table.
"Ow!" She grabbed her leg. "What was that for?"
I raised my eyebrows at her. "You know what it was for."
"So what do you think of Jake?" She asked.
"He's nice." I haven't known him for that long and I haven't spoken to him much.
"Well he really likes you."
I smiled but then realised something. "Shit! I don't have any nice things to wear."
"Don't worry I'll take you into town tomorrow and help you get something."
"Thank you."
We finished off our drinks and headed back to school for last lesson.


Friday night came around quicker than I thought and Syd came to my house after we went shopping so we could get ready together.
She picked out a black off the shoulder long sleeve top and a denim skirt. I put on the outfit and after Syd done my makeup and curled my hair. I looked in the mirror and checked my outfit. "I'm changing."
"Why?" she moaned.
"This skirt is too short."
I went to get another outfit out of my closer but she stopped me. "I'm not letting you change, you look hot."
7 o clock was drawing nearer and I was getting nervous. My palms started to sweat and my stomach was in a knot. The doorbell rang suddenly, so I quickly answered it. It was too early to be Jake and Dan and Mum was at work. I opened the door and on the other side was the last person I expected to see.
"Shawn? What are you doing here?"


Sorry this took so long to update! I kept falling asleep while writing it😂

Thank you so much for over 35k reads!!! That's is crazy, I appreciate it so much!!!

Instagram: heartofshawnx

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