forty two

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Me, Mum, Dad and Shawn had fly back to England for Liam's wedding. He gets married in a couple of days and I wanted Shawn to meet all my family before so Mum invited everyone over for a BBQ. When we got back to England we were jet lagged so we all unpacked our stuff and then slept. The next day me, Shawn, Mum and Dad all drove to Tesco to get all the food and drink we needed. When we got back me and Mum began to prepare the buffet food whilst Shawn and Dad set up the BBQ. Before people started to arrive I quickly went upstairs to get changed and put on some makeup.
When I got back downstairs Liam and Steph had arrived. I hugged Liam and then introduced Shawn to Steph. She couldn't come to our New Year's Eve party so he hadn't met her yet.
"This is my boyfriend Shawn."
He held his hand out and then Steph shook it. "Nice to meet you, is this your first English BBQ?"
"It is and I'm very excited."
"You should be, no one barbecues meat like Liam's Dad."
I laughed and then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I said before making my way to the door.
As soon as I opened the door all the dogs came running in and jumped up on me. I knelt down and stroked them. Once they'd had enough of my love they ran into the kitchen. As soon as they saw Shawn they ran up to him and jumped on him. Shawn fussed over the dogs for a few minutes and then stood back up. He held his hand out infront of my Grandad. "Good to see you again sir."
Grandad took his hand and shook it. "Likewise."
Once their hand shake broke Nana and Grandad headed out into the garden and me and Shawn helped with the last minute food preparations. We took the last plates of food over to the table and then headed outside. I pulled up two chairs next to Nana and Grandad and we spoke to them. Halfway through talking about school my two cousins Lacey and Aidan came running up to us. Lacey is 3 and Aidan is 7 so they are adorable. I quickly got up and knelt down and held my arms out so they could hug me. "I've missed you two!!"
"Can we play hide and seek today?" Lacey asked me.
I stood back up and held their hands. "If you're both good we can."
I walked over to Shawn. "This is Shawn, he's going to be playing hide and seek with us too."
He waved at them but Lacey went shy and hid behind my legs. I looked down at Aidan. "Did you bring your trains with you?"
He nodded.
"Why don't you go and get them and show Shawn, Shawn loves trains."
He ran indoors and came back with a box full of trains and wooden tracks.
Shawn stood up and walked over and sat down on some grass. "Why don't you bring your trains over here and we can build a track together?"
Aidan walked over and sat next to Shawn
before getting all his trains out to show him.
Me and Lacey joined them and she sat on my lap whilst we all built the track. Halfway through building the track I spotted my auntie and uncle so I grabbed Shawn and we headed over to them. I hugged them both and then introduced Shawn. They both looked over at the mess of trains and train tracks. "I see Aidan has already shown you his collection of trains."
Shawn laughed. "He has yeah."
"Well good luck clearing that all up, I still find pieces of train tracks all over the house."
Once I had introduced Shawn to everyone the food was ready to eat. We all did what every family does when they have a BBQ made a queue. I took 2 sausages and Shawn took a burger and a sausage. We then made our way into the living room and chose the other food we wanted off the buffet table. Once our plates were full we made our way back outside and ate. After we'd eaten Lacey and Aidan begged me and Shawn to play hide and seek with them so me and Shawn had to take turns in counting. At around 7 people began to leave and eventually it was only me, Shawn, Mum, Dad, Nana, Grandad, Liam and Steph left.
When it started to get dark we lit a fire and toasted some marshmallows. I rested my legs on Shawn and leant my head on his shoulder as he listened to my Grandad's stories from when he was younger. I even got him to tell Shawn about the time he broke a policeman's nose which made Shawn laugh. After Grandad told us all his stories I began to get tired so I started to close my eyes. As I did Lady jumped up on Shawn making me jump and everyone laugh.
She laid down in between us and rested her head on his lap. When it started to get late Liam and Steph left. Nana and Grandad got up to leave all the dogs were ready to leave except Lady, she didn't want to move so we said we would have her for the night and drop her back to theirs tomorrow. Mum and Dad said goodnight to us and then walked Nana and Grandad to the door before going up to bed.
I was getting tired but I didn't want to disturb Lady. I looked at Shawn and whispered "I'm tired"
"We can't wake Lady." He whispered back.
"You said you're allergic to dogs how come you haven't had a reaction?"
"I took some pills."
I smiled and then carefully carried Lady indoors and put her in her bed. Me and Shawn then headed upstairs and got ready for bed.
I went into the bathroom first and brushed my teeth. When I got out I saw Shawn sat in bed with Lady laying next to him.
"Oh my god! Shes obsessed with you."
He looked down at her. "I know."
Shawn then went into the bathroom and I got into bed. Lady moved so she was laying on me and I stroked her as she went to sleep. I checked my phone as I waited for him to come back. After he had finished in the bathroom he got back into bed and I turned to him. "What do you think of my family?"
"I love them. Your Grandad is so funny and Lacey and Aidan are the cutest children I think I've ever met."
"By the way they are going to want to play hide and seek tomorrow at the wedding so be prepared for that."
He looked at me for a moment. "I'm so glad you introduced me to your family."
I kissed him. "I am too."

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