Start from the beginning

"What aren't you telling me?" She asked whilst her "husband" got up.

"Well... it might be too much to take until you get your memory back." The doctor explained trying to avoid her gaze. 

"I want to know... Is it bad?" She asked starting to freak out in her head.

"Well... Part of it is." The nurse said, coming closer.

"I don't know if—" The doctor started.

"She has a right to know." The nurse hissed turning their way. 

"While you were unconscious we ran some tests it seems as though you lost one of your babies." She said giving a sad smile.

"I was pregnant?" She asked placing her hand in her stomach as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"One?" The serpent asked surprised.

"It was twins... But one of them didn't make it, I'm very sorry." She whispered going toward the door. "We will leave you to be alone,"

Y/N had been overcome by her horrid thoughts, as everything was too much to comprehend. 

"It's OK Y/N," Sweets mumbled wrapping his arms around her not even thinking twice about it as it just came as something natural to him.  

She then saw the tears in his eyes...

"I—" before even getting out a whole word, his lips were on hers... That was when everything came back.

Tears clouded her vision as she pulled away.

"I love you, Sweets," I murmured, placing his hand on her stomach her other hand cupping his jaw. 

"Y/N... Your back?" He questioned eyes glistening with hope. 

"I remember everything... and it's all my fault for losing the baby... You should just leave me now." She mumbled trying to wipe away the many tears. 

"No, I could never... We still have one of our little blessings, let's make the most of it." He whispered interlocking their fingers. "...And I love you too."

A small smile appeared across her lips, as she knew coping with the loss of a child would be ten times easier with Sweets by her side.

Life may have its downs but it also has it's up's. 

"Do you think we'll ever be able to get over this?" She whispered looking up at him.

"I know we can... As long as we stay, together." He mumbled getting up.

"Now I'm going to see when you can leave." He explained giving a small smile.

This was the day that our lives changed, after that we never had a fight again.

As we had gotten home that evening, there was a package on the front porch... The thing that Y/N must have tripped over. 

"I got the package, you just go in and relax," Sweets mumbled as he fished out his keys unlocking the door. "Doctors orders to take it easy!"

"Thanks," She whispered collapsing on the couch. 

Closing her eyes, sleep almost overtook her... Although Sweets had to be the one to wake his wife up.

"What is it?" She asked, opening her eyes. 

"You have a package... From Nick." He mumbled radge seeping from his eyes. 

"Oh," Is all she got out taking it from him. 

Ripping it open, she had been met by a note. 

Dear Y/N, 

I have been informed that you and Sweet Pea have gotten married. Why was I not invited? Are we not friends anymore? I thought I made it clear to you... Your mine

Looking further into the box she saw flowers. 

"Sweets..." She mumbled, handing him the note. 

His face filled with rage half way through as he ripped it up. 

"How did he even know where we live?" She questioned getting scared. 

"I don't know... But were leaving." He explained grabbing her hand and pulling his wife to his feet.

"We don't have enough money to move," She mumbled as more tears came down her face. 

"Let's just leave for a few hours." He mumbled opening back up the door, they had run into someone though. 

Yes, Nick... However also Y/N's dead father...

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