Chapter 38

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(Katniss' pov)

We've been on the train for nearly 2 hours, I can't cope not knowing where my baby girl is. The twins first birthday is next week and we've had a surprise planned for ages, we were going to take them to district 4 and go to the beach. It will be brilliant to watch them play in the sand and build sandcastles with Peeta. I get interrupted by Peeta, "We're here Katniss" he says, he pulls me up from the sofa and walks me to the exit. We step out of the train and rush to the nearest building, there's a massive crowd outside the train so I hold onto peeta's arm and cover my face. All four of us end up in an empty warehouse, "Someone said they saw Gale head into the headquarters, he was holding willow in a load of blankets and was surrounded by peace keepers, that's where we've got to go" Haymitch tells us trying to get his breath back.

"We can't get anywhere with these lovebirds, everyone in the Capitol knows they're here, they're gonna want to get a look at their star crossed lovers" Johanna tells Haymitch, "Well we can't just leave them here!" Haymitch yells, "Why not?" Johanna scoffs, "Because she's our daughter!" I yell, "But with you in this state and no offence Peeta but with your leg and your episodes, we can't risk it. We're doing this for your benefit!" Johanna explains. How could she say that! They've got my daughter! "Katniss, I think they're right" Peeta says quietly looking down at his feet. "Oh really" I scoff, "Katniss you can't face Gale while you're like this, we need to keep you two safe, for Finn" Haymitch says. Finn, my baby boy. He's right. "Okay. J..just be careful with her" I stutter. Peeta walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, "They're both trained fighters, they could do this with their eyes closed" he says, we turn round to talk to Johanna and Haymitch but they're already gone.

Peeta turns to look at me, "We'll have our baby girl back in no time, I promise"

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