Chapter 6 & 7

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Chapter 6

(Katniss' pov)

Did Peeta just confess his love for me, again? I don't know what to do? Do i run away like i always do? Should I tell him how I feel? I sit there starring into peeta's eyes, his wonderful blue eyes, trying to take in what he just said. "Peeta I..I don't know wh..what to say" I tell him whilst trying to hold black the tears. "Katniss I know you feel the same way about me!...Don't you?" He tells me, I can tell he's trying not too cry too. I have to let him know, but I'm too scared! We sit there for ages, not talking to each other. I have to tell him, get it off my chest, "Peeta, I...I love you too" I whisper not knowing if he heard me at all. But then he leans over to me and gives me a long passionate kiss. I think he heard me...

Chapter 7


(Katniss' pov)

It's been 4 months since me and Peeta told each other how we really feel. He's visits me nearly everyday. He walks over to my house every morning and cooks us breakfast.

"Katniss..Katniss..wake up sweetheart" he says whilst shaking me gently. I love waking up to his voice every morning. Once Peeta has woken me up he walks back downstairs and continues to cook breakfast. I take a shower and put on jeans and a nice top, I try to make myself look decent when Peeta is round. I can already smell the pancakes as I walk downstairs and head to the kitchen. "Mmmmm these smell good" I say as i sit on the other side of the table from Peeta. We didn't really talk whilst we where eating. As soon as we where finished Peeta got up to do the dishes, "Peeta" I try to get his attention, "I'll do the dishes considering it is my house" I tell him sarcastically, I playfully push him out the way then start washing up the dishes when I fell a big pair of arms wrap round my waist, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, "I've just realised that I spend more time here than I do in my own house, it's like I never leave.." He whispers into my neck, I know he's giving me a hint for something. He was right though, he spends so much time in my house its almost like he does live here! He has his own draw in my bedroom and bathroom, I made space in my study for his art work, I also have some of his baking bits here too! I stop washing the dishes and spin round to face him, his arms still wrapped round me, "You're right peeta, you know what would make sense?" I ask him quietly, "what?" He replies smiling, "If you where to just move in with-" and before I could finish my sentence he's lifted me up into the air and is spinning me round. He puts me back down and presses his lips to mine. "I take it you want to move in with me then?" I ask him sarcastically, "I never thought you'd ask!" He replies smiling. I never knew I could make someone this happy!!

{Uploading the next chapter soon!} {please leave comments, I want to know what you all think of my first ever fanfiction?! I'm not a serious writer which is why it's not that good:\ but you gotta try}

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