Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


(Peetas pov)

I stay awake the whole night, I don't know what to make of this situation, should I forgive her and let us move on in our relationship, or should I run away like she does? No. It's not fair to run away and leave her like this, even though she hurt me I still can't leave her. I know she didn't mean it. I know it was all Gales fault..! I'm woken suddenly from my daydream by Katniss screaming, "PEETA!! PEETAAA!!" She's screaming my name! I need to help her, I start running up the stairs towards our room, fling the door open and run to Katniss' side of the bed. She's still sleeping, she hasn't woken up from this nightmare. I decide not to wake her as she has stopped screaming, I know that if I wake her now she won't be able to get back to sleep. So I head over to my side of the bed, slip under the covers and turn towards Katniss so I can wrap her up in my arms till morning.

(Katniss' pov)

I don't remember a lot from last night, I remember gale kissing me, Peeta seeing it then I ended up in bed on my own. I suddenly realise that Peetas in my bed with his arms wrapped round me, "Peeta, wake up" I tell him as I turn myself round so I'm looking at his face. "Morning beautiful" he tells me with a smile on his face, I love it when he smiles! "I'm going to head downstairs and make breakfast" he tells me as he gets up and leaves the room. Does he not remember anything that happened last night? I ignore this thought and head downstairs. By the time I get down there breakfast is already cooked and served on the table. I sit down opposite Peeta and eat the lovely breakfast he has made, "Thank you Peeta, breakfast was lovely" I tell him as I take our plates over to the sink to wash up. After I'm done washing up I head back to the table where Peeta is still sitting, "Peeta, about last night I'm really-" he cuts me off "Katniss you don't have to apologies! I know it was all Gales fault, he is the one to blame. I don't want to fall out over him, Katniss Everdeen I still love you more than anything in this world nothing or no one can change that!" He gives me a peck on the lips then pulls me over to sit on the sofa. "What do you want to do today?" I ask him, "Well I was thinking we could go to the meadow, take a picnic and spend the day there, what do you think?" He replies, "Peeta I think that's a wonderful idea"....

(Peetas pov)

She agreed to go to the meadow with me! My plan is coming along nicely.....

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