Chapter 37

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(Peeta's pov)

All four of us run towards the train station, Effie and Annie stayed at home to help katniss' mother with willow. Its just me, katniss, Haymitch and Johanna.

"The trains already left for the Capitol, there's no other way of getting there so we'll have to wait for the next one" Haymitch tells us trying to get his breath back, "And how longs that going to be!?" Katniss yells, "It's only another 20 minutes sweetheart" Haymitch tells her. I grab katniss' arm and pull her over to the furthest bench and sit down next to her, "How did this happen? You where with her Peeta!" Katniss crys, "I..I don't know. I was holding her, then I saw a pi..picture of my family and it just brought back memories and I..I could feel myself about to go into an episode so I..I put willow in her high chair to keep her safe. Then I..I blacked out a bit and then I heard you scream my name" I try to explain thought my tears, "I'm sorry, it's all my f..fault" I cry.

I can feel katniss wrap her arms around me, "It's not your fault Peeta, it's gales fault" katniss says, trying to comfort me. "He should've taken me instead! He should've left willow!!" I shout, I can hear katniss crying into my shoulder, "If they do anything to her, then it'll be all my fault. If they kill her then they can kill me too because-" "NO! YOU SAID YOU'D STAY WITH ME! IF I LOOSE YOU THEN I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO LIVE ANYMORE PEETA" she shouts. I shouldn't have said that. I've hurt her.

I wrap my arms round her and she lays her head on my chest, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'll never leave you katniss" I say calmly, I start stroking her hair to calm her down and to stop the tears, we stay like this until the train arrives, "Come on lovebirds, the trains here" Johanna yells, we get up from the bench and walk to the train hand in hand, Johanna looks at us with a smile, "you ready to get your girl back?"

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