Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


(Katniss' pov)

I'm now 9 months pregnant with twins, you can only imagine how big I look! Peeta has been brilliant throughout this journey, you can tell he really wants to be a good father to our children. We've decorated both their nurseries, pink and green for our daughter and orange and blue for our son, they both have lovely wooden cots which when they're born and have names, we will carve their names into the cots. We have two more cots in our bedroom, one either side of us as I know when they're born, Peeta will not let them out of his sight for a second. That's one of the things I love about him is that he will always put his loved ones first before himself. Whereas in this case, he would choose the baby over sleep.

I'm a week away from my due date so I have plenty of time to get things ready, but according to Peeta I don't. I'm suddenly woken by Peeta, "Morning beautiful" he says as he kisses my head softly, "and morning to you too my little babies" he adds whilst stroking my stomach. "Peeta don't you need to work today?" I ask him whilst trying to get out of bed, I swear I'm going to need a crane to help me get out of bed soon! "No, the boys said they'll be okay, it's so close to your due date you never know when you'll go into labour!" He says whilst helping me out of bed, "Peeta you don't have to stay in the house with me? I'll be fine, honest" I tell him, "Okay, I'll visit the bakery. But only for an hour, I don't want to leave you in you're own for too long" he replies whilst getting his clothes out the draw. "Peeta, if anything happens I've got haymitch next door and I can ring you on your mobile and the bakery phone, I'll be fine, promise" I tell him making my way downstairs.

As soon as we're finished with breakfast Peeta heads out to the bakery. Perfect..the house to myself!

Peeta's been gone more than two hours now, what if something's happened to him? What if he's hurt? So many scenarios pop into my head, I just can't take it anymore! I put on my boots and head out the front door towards the bakery. "Morning sweetheart! Looking as big as ever" Haymitch says when I pass him, "Shut up Haymitch, go back inside and carry on drinking till your liver fails!" I yell at him, I hate it when he's drunk! I ignore him after that I just need to find Peeta! I reach the bakery and swing open the door and there he is...sitting in the corner hugging his chest whispering to himself, his eyes have gone that misty grey colour again. He's having an episode. "KATNISS LEAVE!" I hear one of the workers yell at me, I ignore him completely, I've dealt with an episode before, I walk over to Peeta, sit on the floor and wrap him in my arms, his muscle relax a bit more, I turn his face round so he's looking at me and press my lips against his, his whole body relaxes. We sit there for a while until i felt it...a rush of water, I'm sitting in a pool of water. I look at Peeta who is looking at the water, I grab his hand which makes him look at me, "Peeta, it's time!"...

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