Chapter 29

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(Peeta's pov)

Cinna has been with us for 2 days now. Our house is quite crowded so we asked if he wanted to stay in our guest house, which was my old house. He comes over everyday for breakfasts, lunch and dinner, he's been helping us organise the wedding. The big day is nearly here.. Katniss and I are getting married the day after tomorrow! We've had to put it off for so many reasons we just can't wait to actually get married now. We're not having a big wedding, we decided to have a small ceremony in the meadow with our closest friends and family. Today were expecting Annie and her son and Johanna and her fiancée to the up, it's also Katniss' birthday so I thought we should throw her a surprise party. Katniss has no idea that Annie and Johanna are showing up so it should be a good surprise! Before I wake Katniss up me and her mother decorated the living room with banners and balloons, I made a cake the night before after katniss went to bed. When it was all finished her mother left to see Cinna and I took the twins up to our bedroom to wake katniss up.

(Katniss' pov)

I had a perfect nights sleep with no nightmares and no crying from the twins! It was almost perfect till I started to get jumped on, "Wake up mummy" I hear Peeta say, I open my eyes and find Finn laying on my stomach, drooling all over the sheets, Peeta is holding willow. "We thought we'd all come and wake you earlier as its your birthday!" He tells me, he puts willow besides me and sits in the bed, "Oh great...another year older" I say sarcastically, he reaches over to me and gives me a kiss on the lips. "Right, I'll take these two rascals downstairs while you take a shower? I'll make breakfast" he says, he picks up Willow and Finn and carries them downstairs, one in each arm. I go into the bathroom and take a shower. When I'm finished I put on some clean jeans and a nice top and head downstairs. I head downstairs and stop suddenly, I can see banners and balloons! Peetas so cute decorating the house for my birthday, he even made a cake! I walk into the kitchen and see Peeta cooking our breakfast, the twins already in their high chairs. I sit down next to Finn and Peeta brings over the breakfast. "I love the decorations in the living room" I tell Peeta with a smile, "Was that your idea Finny?" I ask him in a baby voice, he just does his little giggle that melts my heart!

When we finished breakfast Peeta washed the dishes while I took Finn and Willow into the living room. Peeta walks in with a little box wrapped up neatly, he gives me a smile and hands it too me, "Peeta, didn't I say no gifts?" I ask him, "You said for me to not get you gifts, you didn't say Willow and Finn couldn't" he tells me giving me a little wink, I rip the wrapping paper off and open the little box, inside is a locket necklace, inside the locket is a picture of Finn and Willow when they where born. "Oh Peeta...I love it!" I tell him giving him a kiss on the lips, "There's another surprise too..." He tells me, he walks over to the door and opens it and that's when they run in! "KATNISS!!" They say in unison, "Annie?! Johanna?!" I yell, I run over to them and give them a group hug, "I thought I wasn't seeing you till the wedding?" I ask, "Us either! It wasn't until your fiancée here asked us to come down early to surprise you for your birthday!! surprise!" Johanna yells. Peeta and his little tricks aye!....

"Stay with me?"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें