Chapter 21

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(Katniss' pov)

Peeta took the twins to the bakery a couple of minutes ago, it was so hard to say goodbye to them, this is the first time I've left them. I manage to hold the tears in so I could enjoy the rest of my day with Johanna. "Johanna, who's the lucky man?" I ask her remembering I still don't know who she's marrying! "Well his name is Dan, he moved into 4 after me, we started to get along and one thing led to another" she tells me with a smile. I'm so glad she's found someone to look after her. She really deserves it.

We spent the whole day organising everything from seating plans to cakes, Johanna decided to have a quiet wedding in 4 on the beach, she wants Peeta to make the cake and bring it with us when we go down for the wedding. The wedding is in two months time, she said Dan's family can't visit until then. Peeta walks through the door as we're tidying up with the twins in the pram, "So when are you and brainless getting hitched?" She asks Peeta whilst walking over to him, she grabs willow out her pram and sits with her on the couch, I do the same with Finn, Peeta comes and sits me to me, "When are we going to set a date?" He asks me whilst pulling faces at Finn which makes him laugh! I love hearing my babies laugh, Willow and Finn done their first laugh whilst watching Peeta decorate cakes, something about it was funny. "I don't mind?" I tell him, "What about next week?" He asks me. Wow that's..soon! "Umm I don't know? Depends when my mum can come down" I reply, "Katniss you haven't spoken to you're mother in years, she probably doesn't even know about the twins? Or even about us?" He tells me whilst taking Finn from my lap, "Peeta's right brainless, you should really tell your mother about everything, she probably misses you" Johanna tells me whilst bouncing willow up and down on her lap. They're right. I grab the phone and head upstairs to our room, I dial the number and it starts to ring, she picks up, "Hello?" "Hi mum it's Katniss, I have a lot to tell you!" .....

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