Chapter 8

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Jarret makes his way down the pathway leading to his home. Only this time has a cross over the body bag, filled with two brown paper bags three brown paper bags, filled with enough herbs to last for a while. Just enough for supper tonight. At nights like this shows that it's not too cold. If a person wanted to know how to tell about the weather, one would need tell by how the two moons are colored in the night sky. Pale blue and medium silver, mean the night air will give off a nice light cool breeze.

While passing by a few bushes of fruits and flowers, Jarret begins to notice how every few color, starts reminding him of the woman he met a while ago; Named Kalista. Along with the sweet smells that swirl in the air.

As he finally makes it home safely he opens up the door, closes it behind him and heads on in the kitchen. Half an hour later of making up two dishes, he heads on in the living room.

Jarret gets lost in thought looking at the fireplace watching the fire dance around, while Cerberus enjoys his steak on his blanket. Leans over by using his elbows on his knees for support, putting his chin on top of his folded hands.

Cerberus lifts up his left head looking over toward his friend, sensing Jarret's discomfort. Whines a little bit to get his attention.

He smiles. Looking over toward Cerberus.

"I am doing alright old friend. Seems that someone new has wondered into my mind."

Hope that it all wasn't a dream or an illusion.

Cerberus nods all three of his heads then licks his mouth clean. Walks up from the blanket then joins Jarret on the couch at his right side, laying down while leaning against him.

Jarret scratches Cerberus's back gently helping him get some sleep. Deciding to camp out on the couch.

"Do you think I should give it a try, of getting to know her old friend."

Cerberus grunts with a reply of saying yes. Jarret grins. For he cannot wait untill tomorrow.


As the two morning suns awake from their slumber everyone continues on with their daily routines. Meats get cooked and smoked, candles and clothes, along with jewelry gets made. Animals walk out to stretch then eat get bathed. Children running around to play or help a family member.

Kalista gets up out of bed changing into the same dress from yesterday, only this time, it came in the colors of yellow and orange. Puts her hair in a halfway ponytail with some lose strands of hair on both sides, covering her ears.

Walks down the stairs heading toward the dinning room, nods and smiles to any person she walks by. Folds both hands down in front of her with her head held high with confidence.

Gets hit by the sudden smells of eggs, banana muffins, waffles and maple flavored sausages.


Who knew this weird place could have such food.

Steps on inside getting met by a medium sized opal shaped table, three chairs on either side, with one on each end. Two French doors on two of the four walls, along with a cream rug designed with black swirl designs, underneath the table.

As Kalista walks further inside she sees her mom walking out from the kitchen, carrying a pitcher of orange juice.

She smiles.

"Good Morning mom. Do you need help with anything?"

Arabella smiles and chuckles.

"Morning sweetie," Puts down the pitcher on the table. "Everything has been cooked sweetie, have a seat." She sits down, smiling at her daughter.

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