Chapter 19

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As the fire tornado vanished a figure begins to appear walking out. Leaving a trail of fire after each step she took with her bare feet. Three inch monarch butterfly wings spread out as fire crackles from the tips. Feels all the power of each of her ancestors course through her veins. Making the room become a soft Amber light pushing away any evil presence lurking about. Screams from all of the dark creatures are heard in the whole realm of SageGrove, as if they can sense or feel the warmth eliminating from the castle's walls. Jarret and Arabella watched in amazement with their mouths gapped opened; eyes wide like saucers.

The once broken Garnet Stone on the ground, now shines bright and fixed itself; As if it sensed the form of Kalista. A golden chain loops around it, creating cage at the tip of the stone forming a teardrop. Wrapped around Kalistas neck completing the form, of a fire faerie. Reconnecting the bond between them once more. Beats rapidly at a slow pace shinning bright red like a heart, along with the red spots on her wings; insyncing one another.

Kalista glanced over at the evil woman. "Melantha. No longer will you taint this realm of your vile ways." She declared.

"That's what you think. I will end you. And when I do, everything you hold dear, will be gone." She replied with a evil smirk forming on her face.

She glared at her. "You will be dethroned Melantha. In the end, it is you, who will be destroyed. Once and for all."

Kalista walked further in the middle of the room. "Prepare to meet same fate as your ancestor did Melantha."

Melantha growled. "Never. It is you who will be with your ancestors in the after life, not I." She stated, barking a threat toward Kalista. "That sister of mine should not have created them. Little Miss perfect should have let things alone, it was supposed to be all mine." She added.

Kalista shook her head. "You are filled with nothing but a cold heart, jealousy and pure rage. It lead you all to this very moment."

Melantha chuckled with a evil smirk still not fazed by Kalistas words. Why yes I am. Thank you for noticing dear one."

They both walked in the middle of the room facing each other. Ready for the final battle. Echos of Kalistas ancestors whispered all around her guiding her through this.

Melantha growls gathering enough of her own power. Moved hands in a circle motion forming lighting and smoke, shoots it toward Kalista. An evil smirk formed on her face, waiting for a direct hit; glares daggers at her in defeat, all the while Kalista raised her left hand up forming a fire shield blocking Melantha's hit. Melantha chuckled menacingly arching an eyebrow at her, all the while summoned her own power shield. Thinking since she's done this before, she can again; nothing can get through.

Kalista smirked. After watching a fog like shield form around Melantha, she becomes one with the fire, turning into a tornado. What Melantha did not know was that as the tornado grew, Kalista cornered her in. Trapped. Sneaking up behind Melantha chanting an ancient chant breaking the smoke shield. Melantha went wide eyed in fear.

'No. This is impossible. How can this be happening.' Thinks to herself, filled with fear.

Before Melantha could turn around. Kalista summoned a iron sword covered in fire, Garnet Stones embedded on the handle. Rammed it through Melantha's back then pierced through her heart; Killing her instantly as her wings desenagrated. Melantha let out a blood curdling scream only echoing bouncing off against the fire walls. The only sounds that are heard on the outside, are of the fire; along with Jarret and Arabella's low breathing.

The moment Melantha falls to the ground and Kalista lowering the sword, the fire wall dies down; disappearing completely. Jarret and Arabella let out a heavy sigh of relief, knowing that Kalista was the last one standing.

Kalista grabs a wooden jewelry box from the messenger bag, silver and iron built in the wood. Jarret must have placed it in the bag without her knowing. Placed sliced lemons and limes in the box. Waves a hand over Melantha as she uses one of the ancient fire's powers then becomes nothing but a creepy looking shriveled up small faerie, an Unseelie's true form. placing her in the box. Blood curdling screams are heard once she's placed inside and Kalista closing the lid. Burns it instantly with her powers. Her ancestors can finally rest in peace easy now. Forever.

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