Chapter 7

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As the night rolls in through out SageBurrow, every candle comes to life, leaving an Amber like glow to everything it touches. The two bright moons move ever so slowly in the sky. The vibrating light surrounding them shimmers then twirls down toward a nearby window, belonging to Kalistas room.

The designs on the stained glass windows absorbs it all then twirls in the air like mist, after the lights bleed through the images. After making it through the beds curtains, the mist wraps around Kalista.

Forming a Chrysalis like blanket, vibrating every few seconds creating a very important thing. Something that will change her life, forever. As the transformation happens beautiful dress's become created in the closet, just enough to fit everything. But one dress in particular will be made personally by her mother.

Before the process was completed each bit of the lights glided toward the necklace on the end table. It begins to glow for a few seconds, then stops as each clear gem becomes the color red. Stopping everything as if nothing happened.


The morning sun shines through the thick white laced curtains beaming on Kalista, waking her up. Getting up out of bed then slipping her feet in a pair of light brown slippers. Stretches out both arms above her head. But what she did not know, was that three inch clear see-through wings with a tint of pale yellow, red and somewhat dark green at the bottom; spreads out a little in a stretching moment. 

While Kalista discovers a few new and different bath stuff on a nearby dresser, she grabs some then walks toward the bathroom.

But the moment Kalista walks past a nearby mirror on a wall, she gets the shock of her life. Three inch wings with a tint of pale yellow, red and somewhat dark green at the bottom, shimmers by spreading a little bit halfway apart from behind.

Eyes widen like round saucers. Gasped softly, letting out a blood curdling scream; only waking up her mom, as if she already knew what was going to happen.

"Sweetie. What is it." She asked. As Arabella opened up her daughter's bedroom door carefully.

Kalista gives full attention now to her mom.

She points to the wings behind her.

"Mom? Why in the world are these things on my back."

Arabella smiles.

"They are there sweetie, because the women on my mom's side of the family, where born with them. Well some that is."

Becomes somewhat confused after hearing a little bit of this news. Let's out a quite sigh under her breath.

Great. First I get these elf ears, now I got wings. What's next. Horns?

Arabella walks toward her daughter's closet. Pulls out a light green below the knees dress, with a light brown sleeveless vest. Along with a dark brown belt. Lays it down on her bed then turns around.

"Now sweetie," Puts a hand on Kalista's right shoulder, "Why don't you get dressed and meet me in the living room." She stated, with a grin.

Kalista smiles back.

"Okay Mom. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Arabella nods.


Opens up the door. Stops halfway in the middle of the doorway, looks over her shoulder at Kalista.

"Don't forget to wear your necklace sweetie. You don't want to do things without it."

After that little, yet confusing, statement; Arabella closes the door behind her, grinning.

Kalista raises an eyebrow.

What was that all about.


After a few minutes of fully waking up, getting dressed and putting on the necklace, along with some dark brown flat shoes; Kalista heads on down stairs, joining her mom for some quality time.

While Kalista and her mom hanged out in the living room, she learns that each woman on her mom's side of the family, is born with their own special kind of powers. Along with one or two accessories on them. But how to bring forth those powers, are a mystery all on their own. Takes a strong and powerful person to do so.

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