Chapter 4

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Two fancy looking people appear in the doorway, as the scent of whiskey and roses flow in the air around Kalista, like a big gust of wind. She couldn't believe that this day has finally come. Being face to face with the ones who made her be the person she is today. They are both amazing looking, just like they once were in their drawings.

The woman, with her champagne colored hair, in a French braided bun, smiles politely at Kalista.

"Oh. Hello there miss. How can we help you on this wonderful night."

Arabella looks over her shoulder, glancing at her husband after hearing him make his presence known. A man with black wavy shoulder length hair, moves toward his loving wife's side.

Caspian folds both arms in the back of him.

"Who's at the door my love?" He asked, with a grin and an confused look on his face.

Arabella keeps her gaze at him, smiling brightly now.

"This beautiful and mysterious looking young woman my love."

Caspian placed a hand at his wife's back leaving his free hand down at his side, while glancing at the mystery woman. Watching her closely, as the woman now removes the hood of her cloak, flowing red hair spills out, with its tips being curled. The last time Caspian has ever seen a woman with such hair, was his, now Deseced sister, Fleur. Completely caught him off guard. Caspian couldn't believe his eyes. This must be a dream. Keeping a close eye on her.

"Ah. What is you're name young lady? Never seen you here before." He stated, while clearing his throat.

Kalista tucks in a few lose strands of hair behind her ears, while both dainty elf ears come into view. Folds both arms down in front of her, keeping her eyes on them.

"My name is Kalista McCarty. I've been on a very long journey to get here. Do you two know where I can find the King and Queen?" She said, while arching a eyebrow, hoping for a helpful answer or some advice maybe. But was not expecting what happened next.

Arabella became speechless. Eyes wide like saucers, mouth being gaped open then covers mouth with one hand, in a way of hiding her smile.

Her little girl, now a grown woman, has become the beautiful image of her three times great-grandmother, the woman who created this mysterious family. Grins wide while watching Kalista walk up closer to them both, as she got the strange tugging feel coming over.

Arabella folds both hands, holding them close to her chest. Sniffling softly, as tears begin to form at the corners of her eyes, blinking rapidly.

"Oh. My precious sweetheart. You've found us, after all these years." She said, after a few seconds of catching her breath and collecting herself.

Kalista could not believe what she was hearing. Tears start to show on her eyes as well. Smiles wide.

Kalista gathers up all of her courage, clears her throat after sniffling, and walks up halfway toward them. "Mom? Dad? Please tell me its really you." She exclaimed, standing there motionless like a statue.

She now opens both of her arms wide, nodding and smiling brightly. Caspian grinning still while holding back the tears.

"It is sweetheart. Welcome home." As her eyes now became glossed.

Kalista immediately ran into her mothers arms, burying her face against her shoulder. Her dream has finally come true. She never thought this day would come. These two, her birth parents, look just like their drawings, as if they jumped out of them.

Keeps both arms wrapped around her mothers waist, never letting go. "I'm so glad to finally be with you guys. At long last." She expressed, as her tears have now become dried on her cheeks.

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