Chapter 10

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As a new day rolls in everyone goes back to their daily lives but with smiles on their faces and filled with hope, knowing they will be protected even more in the near future. Kalista changes into a similar dress that she wore days ago, but this time in royal blue and turquoise. Dances around in her room twirling slowly. Eyes closed and smiles wide. Thinking back to last night. Images of her dancing with Jarret, spending time with her parents, enjoying the music. Makes her way to the window by twirling once more. Stops midway by spreading out her arms leans head back as the feel of the suns warmth shines down on her face, cross's both arms as Kalista thinks back to being in his warm loving arms as they danced the night away. Holds back a few giggles as she makes way to the vanity mirror. Fixes her hair by putting it up in a halfway ponytail. Tightens it then goes out to start the rest of her day.

Before Kalista could walk any further down the pathway to the barn wanting to speak with Jayna about the other night, a light touch of a hand gets felt on her shoulder. Kalista turns around to face the person behind her.

She grins.

"Hello there Jarret. What are you doing out here." She asked.

Jarret grins back. Cross's both arms across his chest. Before he could start answering her back he almost gets lost in the breathtaking view of her eyes. As her hair shines by the help of the two suns beaming down on anything they touch. Just by looking at her its as if an angel just appeared from the heavens and was placed down in his presence. Gets snapped out of his gaze by the sight of Kalista's hand waving a little bit in front of his face.

He chuckles. "Apologies Kalista," He stated as he clears his throat. "I was actually out and about looking for you. Wondering if you would like to spend a few hours with me at my home." 

Kalista couldn't help but still smile at him. There is just something about his face, smile and accent, that just keeps her from feeling all warm inside. She folds both arms down in front of her. 

"I would love to Jarret. Could you lead the way. I'm curious to see where you live at. It must be amazing."

"Oh it is indeed love. In fact, you can also meet my good friend Cerberus."

Kalista becomes somewhat confused. Grins a little. "Cerberus? Who is that Jarret."

He grins. Walks a little ahead of her then looks back over his shoulder. "My dog love."

"This place has animals like that? I did not know that."

"What do you say I introduce you to him," He states. Tilts his head a little toward the pathway leading to his home. "Hmm? How about it Kalista. Are you up for it." 

A day with him as a date? Seeing where he lives and what he does in his free time? Kalista knew this is the perfect opportunity to get to know him. And what better way then to spend this time with him.

She nods her head grinning. Walks toward him then stands at his side. "Lead the way Jarret."

Jarret grins.

"Follow me love. You wont forget this day."

They both smile at one another. Walks down the pathway and into the woods. Chatting along the way.

As a few hours have passed Jarret and Kalista make it to his home. Kalista could not believe how beautiful his home looks. Its like something out of a painting. Seeing all the lights around the home turn on by themselves even the ones shinning from behind the house. Jarret walks Kalista up toward the front door.

"You have a garden back there?" She asked. While seeing one as she heads toward the porch with him. Looks at him curiously.

Jarret chuckles. "Of course I do love. In fact, when we are done eating and meeting Cerberus," Opens up the door halfway. Moving to the side to let her walk in first. "I can take you back out there if you would like to. Ladies first love."

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