Chapter 20

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As the final battle and death of the rouge queen have ended, the whole castle became bright. Jarret packed everything back in the messenger bag after scouring every room with his sword for any of the realms creatures. Kalista grabbed a hold of the cages lock along with brushing her other hand along the other bars. The moment she touches them the bars and lock begin to melt by her hands warmth, fire begins to be heard by crackling, sparks being seen; glitter falling down. Uses her strength to throw the now broken iron pieces on the ground to the side.

Arabella heaved out a heavy sigh of relief as she walked out of the cage; finally free. They both share a hug that has been needed from missing one another for so long. Smiling and sniffling, not only are they glad everything is over, now the women of Arabella's family can finally rest easy now in the afterlife.

After the private moment between Arabella and Kalista, the two of them met up with Jarret at the front door. Not only was the cage room filled with warmth so has the hall and each room they have passed by. As a sign of fresh air all around.

The moment that Arabella, Kalista and Jarret have made it outside it seems that all of SageGrove changed; As if it got redecorated overnight. The area of a once broken down stoned bridge now a flat patch of grass with flat stones as an walkway, scattered everywhere. The once dead and lifeless trees have now gradually grown bright to dark green leaves, appearing flower buds popping up. A light and cool breeze now blows through with the scent of pine and lavender; no longer cold air blowing as the icicles have vanished. The erie fog from earlier has vanished as well, sunk into the ground, never to be seen again. What caught their eyes the most, was the now broken down castle. All that is left are the stone walls along with pillars, every other part of the castle, have now scattered all around in different parts of the land. SageGrove has become what it once was in the beginning; before the rouge queen came along.

While the three of them have been amazed at all of the changes sweet sounds of birds are heard. Jarret leads them through the woods for a while then stays behind, as Arabella and Kalista walk ahead. He glanced all around with a hand on the swords hilt at his side while the two share a few good laughs; stories being told as well. But what could not go unnoticed, was the cold shoulder treatment Jarret received from Kalista.

Arriving safe and sound in SageBurrow Kalista and Arabella hug each other goodnight as Arabella marched inside the castle for the night. The lights from the flowers shine bright, helping guide people to their homes. There was so much tension in the air that you could almost cut it with a knife.

After making sure her mom entered the castle safe, Kalista glided toward the barn. Stopped mid step after hearing a voice she wished was no longer around right now.

"Love, Please wait. Can we go somewhere private to talk." He asked. Clearing his throat while making his way toward her slow and steady.

Kalista rolled her eyes in annoyance. Grinds her teeth, sighed heavily. "No Jarret. I need some time and space to think about all of the events that just happened," She replied. "Please respect that."

Jarret looked to his left, closed both eyes then gave up for now. He didn't want to pressure the conversation anymore then he already is at the moment. Knowing what she is capable of, Jarret did not want to be her next target.

Nodding his head respectfully, granting her last request. "As you wish love. You know where to find me when you are ready to talk," He stated. Glanced at her for a little bit longer, licked his lips light. "Goodnight Kalista." He added. Marched back to the entrance of the gate.

Kalista snuck a peak over her shoulder watching him walk off. Letting out a heavy sigh of relief. Looked toward the barn, second guessing, decides to call it a night. Marched inside the castle then up to her room. Time to do some serious thinking and decisions to make.

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