Personal Shelters

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Yes, it's true that some pastas actually do have shelters for their own. What do I mean by this? Well, apart from the well spoken theory of the slender mansion, some of the creepy pastas have their own homes or shelters that can be found scattered throughout the woods. (No, none of the pastas live in these places; that will be explained later.) However, these areas are usually not to be shared, and once a pasta claims that certain space, it's theirs and only theirs. Now this must raise many questions about the law and logic of this topic, so heres some facts that may come to answer hopefully many, or at least a few of your questions.

Q&A #1: Don't the pastas live in the mansion? Why do they have these areas to their own if they hardly need them?

Well firstly, yes, the majority of creepy pastas live in the mansion, and in fact, not all of the pastas even have their own shelter apart from the rest. And yes again, there are some pastas that need these places for themselves due to personal reasons. For an example, some of the creepy pastas have mental issues, and do need time away from the others. This sometimes goes on for days at a time, and having their own place to be, is the best for them. Apart fro that, some creepy pastas use these areas to hold personal items and have time to themselves.

Q&A #2:  Does Slender have rules for these places? If so, what are they?

Slender does have specific rules for these areas, but once again, these places are in responsibility of the creepy pasta that claims them first, so if one of these areas gets destroyed, he has no plans on reviving the area in any way. He also made it clear that all these areas MUST be located inside the slender woods, well hidden, and if it were to be found, the pastas must be careful that they keep no vital information on the creepy pastas, incase a human had some how survived that far and come across the area. And the rules go on from there, the place DOES belong to the pasta that claims it, and none of the pastas are allowed to use this area to hide any bodies, or give away signs of homicide.

Q&A #3; Do you know the pastas that have these areas? What do they use it for?

Jeff - Jeff claimed an abandoned shed by a lake that was once used by passing fishers to pick up tools. After Jeff kills, he often takes from the house before he leaves. Therefore Jeff uses the space for  his collected items, but sadly, this pasta has terrible anger issues, and retreats to his shed if anyone gets hurt, or if the feels depressed.

Toby - Toby spends a good amount of time jumping tree to tree like a spider monkey on a sugar high, just for the feeling of it. Therefore Toby overtime, found an old tree platform, that he himself managed to turn into something like a super skilled treehouse. Now the internet does make Toby seem like some hyper, jumpy, lovable, puppy dog-eyed boy, but everyone seems to forget that this man has some SERIOUS problems. Therefore Toby goes into episodes, anxiety attacks, and some major depressive moments, that he uses his treehouse to calm himself with.

Clockwork - Clockwork surprisingly has A skill for mechanics, engineering, and building structures. Eventually Clockwork used her free time to build a VERY small cottage, holding two small rooms that she filled with collected items and random stuff from her past. And the use of this goes down to Clockwork just having some pretty bad temper problems, and punches trees until she breaks her own hand sometimes. (She's not the innocent little lady the internet tells you she is) and so far, having her own place away from others helps her.

Eyeless Jack- Apart from the others, Eyeless Jack does not use his shelter for calming himself, rather than just expanding his collections. MANY of them. To start of with, Jack claimed a small shed, and it's so run down that he covers the top with a tarp, because the roof had fallen of. The inconvenience doesn't stop him though, the had built of boards and blocks of wood to the wall to form shelves containing numerous jars filled with dead animals, insects, and multiple human organs. The upside to this, is that nobody has EVERY tried to fight jack for this shed, not only for the poor construction, but also, it smells like a motherfucker.

As for the rest of the Creepy pastas, the areas and needs are unknown, but, yes, there are MANY other pastas that have their own shelters apart fro the Slender Mansion, and many even keep it a secret. Why? We may never know.

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