Ranting Cause I'm bored as Sheet

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Ok so here are the things that kinda piss me off when it comes to the cp fandom, OCs, fan fictions, fan art, and all that other BS.

 ~Ok, so am I the only one that noticed how rude people can be to each other in the fandom, like, dude like think a lot of us already suffer from that stuff considering this is the fandom we run to. Serial killers! Out of all fandoms. Yeah a lot of us are a lil fucked up but can't we at least come together at that and not me rude to each other. I mean, you may not like something, disagree with something, etc, but I have seen people be so rude about it.

So now that that is out of the way, OCs.

~Alright OCs these days are actually really hard to make without making tham seem tacky but I'm working on it.  Anyway here are the things that make OCs suck:

NaMeS: Srsly wtf why does every OC have to be named "whatever the killer" STOP IT we have three already. And their origanal names are always something like Pheonix, Raven, or an emo wannabe name. That really is not practical and so many pastas have normal names like Ben, Toby, Jeff, Jane, Sally, think about it.

OuTfItS: Hoooooly Coooooooow. Please stop with the crop tops and booty shorts. Also, I get it, you love bands but god forbid you murder someone in a Panic At The Disco shirt. Do you really think having your boobs and butt hanging out is gonna protect you from the many people that will fight for their life. So, cover them or be prepared to get your titties chopped off.

ShIpS: Ok, so creepypasta was not made to be a romantic thing. However, I do understand why some my want to romanticize it. Weird kids want a weird partners so the relationship can be more understanding but really, a serial killer? And it's always Jeff. WHY. It would be really cool to see diversity in ships if you have to make creepypasta a lovey dovey subject.

~ Now most of the fan art out there is really fucking cool. I'm pretty much all for it but again, some of it is really stupid and unrealistic. Only some though, most of it is amazing there are so many talented people out there. :)

~Ok, so fanfictons. Here's the thing, a lot of people again, are really talented and can write pretty well but there is a really big problem here. I know how everyone complains about Fanfic not being realist but that's not the worst of it in my opinion. All over Wattpad I see, Yandere Jeff, Ban, Masky, Toby and pretty much everyone else x reader. And all the shit I have seen is fucking sick. Witch is yes, realistic but the problem is so many young girls and boys could be reading that. That Yandere shit can teach a girl or boy that an abusive or unhealthy relationship is ok. Now, you my be thinking, "Lil_dead_girl, nobody takes that shit seriously!" I think not! People have killed for creepypasta and in case you didn't know CP actually caused a spike in teen-suicide. So yeah, people take this seriously and it's sad to think that someone could be confused not understand what love is and that if some one try to cut a smile in your face it's not O-fucking-K. 

Well that felt good to get off my chest I'll be starting a requested chapter. Love ya spooky spookers!

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