[ under the rain ]

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They haven't been out for two hours and the cool weather bursted into heavy rain.

Given some extra seats to wait for the pouring rain to falter, the wife felt bad for taking the bench. She assumed that they'd only be out for late lunch. None of them brought any umbrellas and there are no shops nearby that sells them. Her stomach is satiated. 

A few citizens wait under provided shelters. They tug onto their coats and sweaters. Some are found scurrying to find shelter, whilst others are composed walking under the rain. The cold was slowly getting to MiYeon, but she tries her best to hide it. 

Some may find satiation and contentment with the rain, though it's generalized as a weather that'd make you gloomy. MiYeon didn't feel anything pertaining to sadness. She finds comfort just to stand outside witnessing the rain. 

Minutes of waiting induced one man to dash past the secluded street. He didn't care if the heavy rain soaked his suit. He just wanted to reach his destination in spite of not having an umbrella with him. He almost stumbled in his sprint, yet held his balance. 

MiYeon almost gasped at his brave decision and automatically stood up. Even though they were provided seats inside the restaurant, she felt bad taking up the space nonetheless. It'd be better if the eatery offered some umbrellas too. She sat back down on the bench next to Jin. 

He averted questioning her sudden action and dwells further into the thin mist of the heavy rain.

Jin is aware of her discreet behaviour. 

He observes her pouty lips and consistent sighs. She shifts from leaning forwards to leaning against the brick walls with crossed arms. She frequented crossing her legs too and blew a raspberry. 

He understands that waiting for the heavy rain to falter bores her. He's only a human being incapable of stopping any natural weathers. There were no umbrellas nearby.

If only they had brought the small sized types ...

Thunder roars in the distance and he felt her weight flinch. MiYeon ventures not to obviously squeal at the loud noise and pretends it doesn't bother her. With a racing heart that cannot be calmed down, she asserts to shift her attention from one side to another. 

However, she's already done that for the past thirty minutes. There wasn't anything flattering to look at other than the pouring rain. 

"Doesn't seem like it's going to stop raining anytime soon, don't you think?" 

That voice didn't come from Jin and neither is it from MiYeon. Rather, it's a male voice coming from her left side, speaking in fluent English that Jin is unable to decipher. 


MiYeon glances up at the stranger in the blue navy coat and Jin follows pursuit. There wasn't anyone beside him other than MiYeon herself. She had no clue as to what prompted the man to make conversation with her. She isn't entirely bothered by his presence. She's merely surprised that someone is striking a conversation with her. 

The stranger, of whom looks young and well groomed shifts his attention to the perplexed MiYeon. He pulls up a broad smile, oblivious to the fuming Jin beside her. She didn't mind participating in the conversation, but she's in no mood to join in whatsoever. 

She was about to put one strand of her hair behind her ear from the left side in order to expose the wedding ring. He has intentions that she's unable to narrow down in terms of her assumptions. 

Instead, another method popped in her mind without instigating a fire into Jin. He's known to be jealous, whether he does it intentionally or not. She doesn't want to see Jin cause a scene back in their hotel room. 

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