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Upon arriving at the airport, MiYeon was already exhausted even before their journey began again. Sitting on the airplane seat for more than thirty minutes tore her fun morals away. She was quite impatient traveling from home to New York. It felt as if her spine was about to split. She could only bear thirty minutes, but more than an hour made her pickiness crawl out.

Waiting for their passports to be checked, her smile flattened into a frown, yet her eyes were concealed by the shades. Her shoulders slumped forwards on the handle of the trolley and observed the staff typing harshly on the keyboards.

She would've slightly flinched at the harsh attitude towards the inanimate object, but MiYeon did not give a single care at all.

She had been quiet the moment they stepped inside the airport. Despite having two big luggages and passports through the processing, waiting felt forever. There was a long line upon their appearance and she felt distressed more than ever after her period. 

Jin returned back with fruit drinks just in time before the passports were given back. MiYeon thanked the staff as well as Jin for the drink. They skipped breakfast, which was unlikely of them at all. She drank the content too quickly that Jin was surprised at the change of her mood. Jin resisted asking any questions and instead slung his arm around her shoulders.

"Is something the matter?" He inquired, walking with her through the huge airport. They were bound to fly in an hour before departure and they had nothing to do but to wait. Sending a few messages to their parents before their next journey to the other city had already been done during the car ride.

MiYeon lightly shakes her head with a smile and held his hands. 

"Traveling can be tiring, but it's worth the fun." She hid the bitterness and expressed gratitude with a smile. Taking a long vacation like this happens once in a blue moon. 

"I see." Jin simply pouted and both walked towards their gate in a few minutes. Already full with their late morning drinks, they occupied the nearby seats and hauled their belongings onto the floor. MiYeon rests her head on Jin's shoulder and remained quiet. She held her stomach in annoyance and closed her eyes.

"What do you want to do once we've rested in Miami?" Jin inquired, resting his head on MiYeon's as well. The airport was bustling with people trying to find their gates whilst others just wanted a good day's of drink and rest. Their voices almost overwhelmed MiYeon to slumber, but she forced herself to stay awake. 

"I'm not sure ... haven't thought about it since we've landed in New York, but I'll definitely think of something." She replied and squeezed Jin's hand. 

"Don't worry too much about it. We'll enjoy as much as we can, promise?" 

" ... Pancakes."

Jin grinned to himself and none said anything further regarding their trip to Miami. 

During the flight from New York to Miami, MiYeon simply passed out through the ride as well as almost skipping the meal. If it weren't for Jin nagging her to eat, she would've slumped on the hotel bed for almost the whole day. She would lack the necessary energy to wait and grab dinner. 

No matter how much she reluctantly ate despite the lack of appetite, Jin urged her to eat with his best methods. Jin threatened to kiss MiYeon in front of the whole passengers and even tried to whine. It was probably the last choice in order to make her eat, but he did so in order for her to gain weight and energy.

"I hate you." She muttered with a grin and Jin flicked his non-existent long hair.

"I love you too."

Moments turned to minutes, which eventually turned to hours. The hours of waiting for their land off and landing, MiYeon stayed awake with her gaze stuck out the window. The clouds were always the same, but it did not bother her to the point where she'd sleep. The clouds held a rather warm feeling residing in her chest, although it was cold at the highest point. 

Jin, on the other hand, was the one who ended up sleeping throughout the ride, except for when the food arrived. 

As the usual procedures, they've passed through the immigration with ease, yet struggled with the luggages. MiYeon remained busy with the communication, leaving Jin to snap dozens of pictures just enough to not use up all the memory space. Ordering the six-seater taxi with their luggages stored inside the trunk, the duo were finally able to relax after sitting for quite some time. 

Whether it was only for an hour, it felt like an eternity, yet here they were sitting again until they've reached their hotel. The whole ride was once again filled with no words between the two, but their intertwined fingers were sufficient enough. They did not need words to fill in the gap. 

Upon arriving at the nearest hotel, the luggages were taken out with the help of the bellboy and driver. Jin had no energy within him anymore and respectively bowed to the driver. 

"Thank you." He managed to mutter, inducing the driver to grin and chuckle in response. The duo entered the hotel and MiYeon took over the process of booking their room. They took the smallest one since it was only the two of them. They didn't need a huge space since they were only going to stay for a week.

MiYeon almost hurled and weeped at the one week price, but it was a once in a while journey. 

"Your room is assigned in 350. Thank you Miss Kim and enjoy your stay."

MiYeon mustered a smile back and followed after the bellboy. Jin tittered from behind, pinching himself to stay awake. He did not want to collapse in the middle of the corridor and cause havoc to his wife. They took the elevator in silence and the couple once again squeezed each other's palms. 

She grinned at him no matter how lethargic she felt now. Both Jin and MiYeon could simply jump and land on the bed right now. They didn't really care for meals since they could catch up with dinner later on. 

With the help of the bellboy, their luggages were situated at the corner beside the column. MiYeon was in awe at the simplicity of the small room. Even if the size was small, the hotel has managed to enhance its ambiance and designs to the fullest. She thanked the bellboy once more and locked the door. She placed the card onto the card holder and meandered towards the bedroom.

Only to find Jin already sitting on the round chair with his eyes closed. She suddenly felt her heart hammering at the sight of Jin only in a white tee. The latter forced out a shuddered sigh and walked up to him.

"Jin. There's a reason why they've placed a bed here. Come on, don't sleep on the chair. You'll strain your neck." 

His only response was a hum. Worried, the wife pulled Jin by the arm and he shot up to stand. His heavy body carried by MinYoung soon fell onto the surface of the bouncy bed. His eyes were closed the whole time and she soon felt the slumber crawl around her limbs. 

"Turns out we'll eat dinner somewhere later. I'm stuffed anyway." She muttered to herself, sauntering towards the huge window to pull the curtains together. The room dimmed down from the lack of sunlight, but that was how the both of them preferred it.

MiYeon joined Jin afterwards, caressing his messy hair bangs away from his swollen face. She felt guilt, but at the same time grateful to be able to reach here. 

Jin unconsciously pouted in his sleep and she could only grin. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, she resumed to sleep in her traveling clothes on. 

Seconds later, his arms were found around her waist. 


190118 - i sincerely apologise for the slow update, one week of my third semester has just passed :3

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