[ food is life ]

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In the middle of the night, Jin had woken up in contempt at the sight of his rumbling stomach. MiYeon felt hungry too, but she wasn't as pouty as Jin was right now. The latter remained quiet, even after she had asked him what he wanted to eat. He could not muster up any remaining energy to speak.

She knew thousands of different foods ran over his mind. It occurred the same to her as well, but she was rational and responsible. She could not extract the indignant emotion within Jin and left him to gawk at nothing in particular. His phone had been left uncharged and untouched. 

Jin did not want to do anything but to eat right now.

They didn't realise that they would pass out for so long. She had a short headache, until realizing that they had chips in one bag. They shared the bag of chips, but it wasn't satiable to both stomachs. MiYeon wondered if there were any open restaurants at this time.

"Maybe ... could I ask one of the receptionists here?" She questioned to herself more than Jin. With his brows furrowed in hunger, his gaze hadn't left the wall for quite some time. She shuffled closer to the edge of the bed and dialed through the old-fashioned phone. She waited for one of the staffs to pick up as she endured the constant rumbling on her stomach.

"Good morning. How can I be of assistance?" Came from the other side. MiYeon was taken aback, but remembered why this hotel was rated with five stars. The service remained great up until now.

"Good morning. Uh, sorry to call this early, but ... is there any way that we could have a meal for two or something? Or are there any open restaurants nearby, perhaps?" 

MiYeon had hoped that a delivery could be made because her empty stomach held no energy to move whatsoever. Her headache still remained and she tolerated the hunger as much as possible. A few shuffling papers was heard from the other line and light beads of sweat trailed down her forehead. 

"We can arrange that for you. Just inform us on whatever appetizer you want and we'll bring the meal straight to your room."

Her heart almost leapt in glee. She didn't have to see Jin frowning whilst staring at the wall for countless hours. Knowing that the aftermath of feeding a really hungry Jin would result into a fluff ball of a husband.

"That'd be great, really. Thank you."

She called in her order and they had to wait for twenty minutes. It was more than sufficient to wait, especially with the headache pounding stronger than ever. She settled the phone back into place and held her stomach. It rumbled lightly compared to Jin. She wanted to laugh, but stifled it in case her retaliation caused havoc between the two. 

She knew she could not, whatsoever, at all, provoke him in any way. Jin would become hostile, exactly like a baby if there was no food for him to consume. 

The wife stood up from the bed, controlling the shakiness of her legs. She headed to one of the cupboards with the small necessities. There was enough water bottles to fill in her empty stomach. She resisted in drinking it just yet and resumed to walk back to their bedroom. 

"You know, frowning towards the wall won't do anything, right?" She remarked with crossed arms, controlling her breathing as well as the uneasiness of her balance. Her sight was beginning to haze by the second. However, she focused her eyes onto a particular object to hold herself together. The longer she stood there, the worse her vision might become.

Jin retorted with a smirk and a scoff. 

MiYeon swiftly seated herself on the chair and held her pounding head. She took the painkillers for the headache already, but it barely worked on an empty stomach. She felt like throwing up. She felt like the air inside was going to be omitted instead of the existing liquid inside her. The wife did not want Jin to see this sight.

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