[ thunder ]

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MiYeon snuggled against Jin's chest in hopes to conceal the loud, crackling thunder storming across the country. She flinches at each cacophony strike and Jin tries his best to soothe her fear. He covers her ears with his denim jacket and holds her tightly as if they were on a swaying boat. 

The thunder caused the cafe to vibrate and the hushed whispers of customers cease to silence. Some noticed the frightened wife and felt pity for her. They had sought to help her overcome her fear, yet left Jin to do his part. 

Ever since she was a child, she was known to crawl to a corner at the presence of heavy rain and thunderstorm. She grew distaste towards the weather, although knowing that a lovely rainbow will appear after. The fear latched onto her as a child, not letting go up until she passed adolescence. 

Another strike nearby induced the lass to jerk closer to Jin. She was already pressed against him. The couple were waiting inside a cafè, meters away from their hotel. 

The next day, after Jin had recovered from his nausea, the will to eat two meals for one person overwhelmed his rest. She was worried at the gloomy weather, but didn't want to be selfish as Jin was back to his hungry self. 

They were supposed to return back to their rooms by now. An hour passed since the heavy rain poured down. It didn't seem as if it was stopping soon. Tears were evident on her eyelids and he felt her shaking body. 

MiYeon slowly pulls away from Jin as the pouring rain became lighter. He is nonetheless concerned for his wife. In times like this, she had to have headphones over her head. Listening to classical music is the only way to calm her racing heart. Jin wipes the tears stained on her cheeks. Her makeup remained in its wonderful form. 

"Shall we go get some hot chocolate?" Jin insists as he fixes her disheveled hair. Her eyes were slightly puffy. She stares at his black tee and is aware of her stained tears. She forced herself not to become scared of the thunder. It was going to happen every time rain appeared, but a fear remains a fear. 

She tried overcoming that particular fear, but found no solace in the end. Her parents consulted the lass. They even allowed her to sleep with them when rain poured hard. 

"Y-Your shirt ..." She sniffles and grabs for a napkin to blow her nose. Jin simply chuckles at his shirt and waves it off. 

"It'll be a while till we can go back to the hotel." Jin sighs, pulling his wife to lean against him once more. She held his warm fingers tightly, attempting to be still as the thunder struck again. Forcing herself to be like a statue didn't do any help as she flinched. Whatever words came out from his mouth, she could barely comprehend them.

His lips were moving, yet the roaring thunder frightened her consciousness and elevated her fear. 

Jin runs his hand up and down her back. She clung onto him like a koala. The lightning and thunder combined are terrible indeed, but there's nothing a human being like her could do to stop it. 

"The thunder will wear off anytime soon and eventually we'll be able to see a rainbow. You like rainbows, don't you?" He pats her back and kisses her pale knuckles. 

From the first strike of the bellowing thunder, MiYeon had almost dropped her cappuccino onto the floor. It would be a huge waste of money, although they could purchase another drink. She dislikes wasting things and food in general. 

Jin is the same type as well. Both of them hated wasting food and would often save leftovers. 

Amidst the thundering occasion, MiYeon found little solace in the arms of her husband. He was merely just patting her back and embracing her. Most married couples would tease each other of their fears. It is a playful act and often builds a stronger relationship between the two. 

Likewise, it is a time of crisis for his wife. There was no benefit in teasing MiYeon about her fear of the thunder. She cried because of it. He hoped she would soon overcome her fears of the climate because who knows he may not be there to soothe her worries. 

Jin would pour his heart and soul in order to make his wife smile amidst her stress.

He pushes her to rest on his lap, whilst brushing her hair as they wait. 

Several minutes of sitting in silence and holding each other's fingers, the sunlight appears through the thick peppery clouds. Once the coast of silence is clear, MiYeon could easily listen to the laughters and thick voices of other people return. She opens her eyes and the evening was brightly lit with the exposed street lamps. 

Customers continued to chatter and share late lunches with each other, as if the weather hadn't bothered them. It bothered a few others regardless of their next destination. However, their smiles remain. They weren't disheartened by the gloominess. 

MiYeon sat up properly on the couch and Jin heads to the counter to order a chocolate beverage. The couple left the cafe and ambled hurriedly to their hotel room. 

Upon reaching back Jin stood by the window in search for the said rainbow. He wasn't sure if one may appear despite the hundreds of buildings around them. Time had passed so swiftly he forgot that it was almost nighttime already. The sun was setting so quickly he felt it just appeared five minutes ago. 

He could only see the vehicles with its headlights down below. He noticed some evident figures, cyclists and people with umbrellas. A lot were going in and out of the cafe that they were in earlier. 

Jin turns around and finds a figure huddled in the changed blankets. The cold chocolate beverage remains on the table beside the couch. He flips the covers open. MiYeon was fast asleep or at least she tried to.

"Jin ... there's no rainbow." She pouted under the covers and crawled out from the single pile. He sits on the bed and tackles MiYeon without actually hurting her. 

The next few seconds consists of a brief chaos between the two. They grew unaware of their ringing phones, too busy wrestling each other without causing their partners to suffocate. The master room fills with giggles and shrieks, which ended shortly as they lie down next to each other.

"It's okay if there's no rainbow because, after all, I'm your lovely rainbow." Jin grins widely, causing MiYeon to fake a gag, followed by another laughter. 

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