[ Crabs Adjust Humidity ]

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"Jin, I can't believe you actually own 'Crabs Adjust Humidity'. That is definitely the most offensive card game ever known to man." His wife stares at the scatted cards in alarm.

She noticed some of the words inscribed on each card. They were individual in their own ways, but they can be connected with other sentences too. She wanted to laugh and scream yet hide herself in the corner at the same time. She's never played the card game before, but watching people who play it online caused her insides to laugh. 

"It may be offensive, but it won't harm anyone." He laughs it off and begins to shuffle the white cards. This is also the first time Jin has played the game. He knew it wouldn't be fair if two people played the game without a judge. 

As Jin continues to shuffle, it's a sign that he wants MiYeon to play with him. They've spent most of their days outside. There wasn't much to look around other than to rest at their hotel room. 

Jin wants to spend more quality and alone time with his wife. He has tons of ideas, but can only narrow it down to card gaming. 

He urges for MiYeon to sit opposite of him and she immediately obliges. MiYeon has nothing to do right now. She's recently finished with her shower and going back to sleep could be done later. 

The two know how the rules work, but their sense of humors slightly differ from each other. 

Nevertheless, they start in silence. Jin piles the black cards in the middle and hands five white randomized cards to his wife. He does the same for himself and settles the remaining white cards beside the blacks. 

MiYeon's eyes widened at the words on her five cards. Most of them didn't make sense. Some of them induced her innocence to spiral out of control. She wasn't being dirty minded at the moment. It was the words inscribed in the cards that gave her the thoughts to ponder. 

Before he draws out one black card, MiYeon puts her hand up.

"We know the rules, but what do you want to bet on for the loser?" 

The smirk on Jin's face appears as he draws out one black card.

"Easy. If you win, you can leave me with a punishment you like and if I win, the rules apply."

"True. That'll be easier to narrow down instead of thinking it before the game." She huffs and proceeds to read the sentence on the black card. Jin does his best to calm down. He doesn't want to get his hopes up. He attempts to purse his lips thin, despite the sentences on his cards.

She clears her throat and briefly closes her eyes.  

"Whatever else may change, one thing is certain: you can't unfuck blank."

They were adults. They know what was funny and what was serious. 

MiYeon cringes at the first round and evaluates out of the five which one is the funniest. 

Jin instantly draws out one white card and she follows after. 

Jin reads his own along with the sentence, "Whatever else may change, one thing is certain: you can't unfuck Hilary Clinton's triumphant patriotic cock."

MiYeon bursts out laughing and holds onto her cards for dear life. Jin manages a sly smirk and waits for his wife to speak out her part. She lightly slams the table's surface. She holds onto her stomach and almost wanted to pee in her pants. 

"Whatever else may change, one thing is certain: you can't unfuck Getting White Girl Wasted." 

"I win." Jin smiles and MiYeon doesn't reject his statement. His choice was rather dirty, but it's also funny in some sense. Jin takes the black card towards his side and placed the other two white cards away. 

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