[ the louvre museum ]

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The next morning, the image of the sick, weak wife transcended into a capable, giddy partner in crime. The least she could do to prevent her sickness from worsening is to use a mask.

Despite the irritation winding inside her because of the sickness, she strives to keep it bottled. She doesn't want to worry Jin more than he already is. She wants the both of them to have fun together. 

She is unable to envision a day where they shout at the top of their lungs in anger. MiYeon doesn't like arguments and wants to resolve their problems instead of blaming the other.

Jin's mouth automatically lifts up into a pout. His fingers work their way in placing strands of her hair behind her ears or simply lets her hair flow with the wind. He couldn't pick one of the two and her eyes form into crescent shapes at his indecisiveness. 

MiYeon gently holds his warm hands and tilts her head. She attempts to speak in a smooth voice but fails miserably when it comes out thick, "Shall we go?"

"Are you sure? Don't you want a couple hours of rest or-?"

She intervenes by squeezing his fingers. 

"Hey, it's fine. I want to go out and see the Louvre museum too. I can't just stay in the hotel room all day until I get better. It's not fair." 

Jin caresses her hair and deeply exhales. He trusts his wife, but something is bothering him. He fixes the beret hat on her hair and nods. 

"Alright ... if you say so. Tell me if you're feeling unwell, okay? Superman Jin will come to the rescue." 

'You are indeed an angel sent from heaven.' She ponders and drags Jin by the denim jacket out of the miserable room.

An hour of moderate traffic jams and shortcuts with minimum attempt of short conversations, the taxi driver drops the couple a few meters away from the entrance of the crowded destination. MiYeon fishes out the fee for their ride and hands the cash to the driver. 

"Merci." Jin thanks the driver before leaving the cab. He pulls his hat to reply to Jin and waves at the couple goodbye before driving off to pick up the next passenger. 

Jin intertwines their fingers together. The amused expression remains on MiYeon's face. 

"That driver seems nice." She comments and pulls Jin towards the inverted, glassy pyramid situated in the middle. Her legs were giddy in excitement. There's an amass of tourists, citizens and merchants around the attraction. People handed out flyers, sold various types of small souvenirs and took group photos. 

That's where the main entrance is. The other entrance is too costly. The sun wasn't that scorching under the lightly clouded weather. She knows she could feel better by walking around. 

"I barely understood a word you guys said, but I agree nonetheless." 

They waited in line, of which took at least half an hour before they could get pass the security checkpoint. Standing in line is horrible, but MiYeon didn't want to pay $60.

The museum and place in general is drastically huge. Jin made sure to provide enough water for his wife, but generously declined because she had no idea where the nearby toilet is. 

She had bread with chicken mushroom soup alongside a warm milk for breakfast. Jin, on the other hand almost went all out with the various filled breads. The wife couldn't stop giggling. Her eyes formed into crescent shapes at the sight of her husband stuffing his mouth. 

He resembled a quokka. Jin's cheeks were full of the chewed food. She wasted her time staring at the adorable Jin. Her stomach twisted in elation. The breakfast comes along with the stay of their hotel, so it was reasonable that he could eat till his stomach was full. 

A Travel Documentary [On Hold]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora