Chapter 9: He's Not Home...

Start from the beginning

"What do you... What do you do to become friends with someone again...?" Arthur asks and Antonio looks over at him. Arthur's eyes were stuck directly on the road.

"To become friends with someone again?" Antonio repeats and Arthur nods. "Well..." Antonio trails off. "I guess if it was a fight thing between you two, you should apologize." Arthur leans on his seat and Antonio proceeds, looking back at the road. "Someone has to give in from their own pride to save their own friendship or in your case maybe mend it." Arthur stays silent.

He gives a small smile. "You can maybe start it off with a small conversation asking about how the person's been and if the atmosphere goes alright, no negative reactions from the other person, then you can start your apology." Arthur nods. "And if that person accepts your apology and maybe even apologizes back, then you can both start off again. But..." Antonio trails off again, looking directly at Arthur and Arthur finally looks over at him, his emerald eyes glinting even under the darkness. " If they don't, then that's fine. They don't deserve someone like you."

For the longest time, Arthur and Antonio just stare at each other, as if Arthur was trying to see if Antonio really meant what he had said and Antonio just... looking at those eyes.

"...Okay." Arthur speaks up and Antonio subconsciously gives him his handsome grin.

"...Is it Alfred?" He asks once he's turned on a street.

"...You don't need to know anything more than that." Arthur says and Antonio chuckles.

Before even knowing it, the car had arrived infront of Alfred's house. Arthur steps out and turns to look at Antonio.

With a small but genuine smile, Arthur opens his mouth. "Thanks, Antonio."

And within that moment, Antonio knew that he had just fallen for Arthur Kirkland.

'I wonder what Alfred would think of this...?'

Arthur's Side:

"Still, don't think of this as anything more than you just being nice, okay? This doesn't make us friends." Arthur declares, he has enough trouble with Gilbert already he doesn't need another one.

Antonio smiles brightly at him. "Okay. Have a good night, Arthur."

Once they had gotten Arthur's bike out and Antonio had driven off into the night, Arthur slowly drags himself towards the familiar house infront of him. It seemed weirdly quiet but Arthur brushes it off, parking his bike on the sidewalk.

His heart beats erratically and Arthur could feel beads of sweat appear on his forehead. 
Once he's finally gone up the porch steps and reached the front door, he raises his hands to knock.

"Well, here it goes..." His hand touches the wooden door and he knocks twice.

*knock! (2x)*

"Hm? Maybe a little more..." And so he knocks again three times.

No answer.

Arthur tries again, knocking 5 times but still no answer. Sighing frustratedly, he looks inside the house's window and notices that the house looks empty. Only the small light from their dining area was on but most of the time the Jones family would use only that as a source of light to save electricity.

Guess Alfred's family had gone somewhere... But still, didn't Alfred have fever?

Arthur just felt confused and well, upset. He felt ready to try and now that Alfred's not home he feels himself sink on the floor.

He opens his bag and pulls out Alfred's Assigment notebook. He stares at it and
grips it tightly.

"I guess I'll just... Slip in his notebook below their door." And so Arthur does so.

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