finally they made a turn, 

driving up a long drive way with trees planted all along the side, 

suddenly an enormous mansion came into view, it was probably the most beautiful house Sakura had ever seen, if you could even call it a house, it was so big Sakura could have easily mistook it for a mall, It had cream coloured walls with golden lights glittering around the house, a grand staircase, with elegant black steel rails twisting, leading to the front door, 

suddenly nervous, Sakura chewed her lip awkwardly, realizing how small her little home was, and how the man who lived in this luxurious house slept on her cheap couch in her little home, 

Sakura pushed those thoughts aside, "I was not raised a coward, I will not let such matters interfere with my pride" she thought to herself, "plus the size of my house should really be the least of my concerns at this point of time ... 

The car came to a stop and Sasuke and Naruto got out of the car, Sakura watched them get out, she considered climbing to the front and driving the car away, but where would she go? Sasuke knew where she lived and she had no other family to run to, 

just because she wasn't going to steal the car didn't mean she was going to go willingly, 

Sasuke pulled her door open, "Get out of the car" he demanded calmly 

"Not until you tell me who you are" 

"Sakura, I swear, I will carry you again if I have to, now get out of the goddamn car!" 

Sakura glared at him, just who did this man think he was! 

smirking Sasuke grabbed Sakuras wrist, pulling her from the car, 

"Sasuke let go of me!" she yelped, 

"Not a chance princess" he smirked hoisting her once again over his shoulder, 


Sasuke just chuckled and called out to one of the men standing by his grand door, 

"Put my car away, and arrange a guest room up in the west wing" 

"Yes sir" The man bowed, completely ignoring her struggle 

sir? she thought to herself, this man was obviously older than Sasuke, trust him to have servants, she thought, 

Naruto opened the door, and Sasuke, still carrying Sakura, walked in the house, 

looking around sakura saw massive elegant stairwells, a large room with a fancy sparkling chandelier glittering in the middle, this room alone was bigger than Sakuras whole house, realizing Sasuke still hadn't put her down yet she pounded her fists on his back "PUT ME DOWN YOU SNAKE, I AM IN YOUR PALACE NOW! SO LET ME WALK YOU ASSHAT!" 

"No thanks, I don't think I like your attitude blossom" 

Blossom? This asshole wanted to die! 

"Fuck you" 

"Watch your profanity princess, that is no way for a lady to speak" Sasuke mocked her 

snorting Sakura replied "Oh and kidnapping women and dragging them through your mansion is ever so manly" 

"I do try" 

rolling her eyes she allowed him to carry her further, she heard whispers from people she walked passed, everyone seemed to respect the asshole currently dragging her against her will into his house, they all addressed him as sir or boss, why does he have so many people in his house anyway! 

Sasuke carried her up flights of stairs, she had to hand it to him, he was pretty strong, 

finally it seemed they arrived at what ever destination Sasuke had in mind, he unlocked the door and walked in still carrying Sakura, Naruto trailed behind them, 

Gentle disarray (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now