The three demons

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I was about to go in when suddenly I hear a low groan. I leave the door and walk hesitantly over to the side of the building. I squint trying to look in the dark alley and gasp when I make out what it is. I run to the two objects and shine a light with the fire on my horns.

"Are you two ok?" I say and sit the boys up against the bakery's wall. They groan as beads of sweat form on their heads. I open the boxes for them and the outfits are wrapped around them. They groan and I hand them some herbs that were recommended on the book for fast healing. I shove it one their mouths and they finally open their eyes. John opens his eyes as the color around his eyes are purple. I look over at Mikey and his eyes are also purple with a very thin line of silver around the iris as it's almost invisible from a foot away.

"Hey wake up we have to get you two to bed. After that spell it takes a lot of energy. Lucifer told me that a demon gets extra stamina if it sleeps. I know a room we can go to so no one will notice you to." I say and they get up stumbling a bit. Luckily the walk there was short and we arrive at the castle. The guards let us in and we walk up.

"How much longer?" Mikey says in a whining tone and I laugh.

"Just up these stares. There's a room that's hides magic so Lucifer won't notice you two. He also wouldn't dare go in this room." I say as we climb up the flights of stairs. We finally made it to the room and Mikey sighs before he lays on the bed. He sprawls our and takes up all the room. I wish for another bed across the room for John. Instantly a bed appears and John smiles.

"Thanks for the bed. By the way, what do we call you when we're in hell?" He says and I giggle slightly.

"It doesn't matter. I have the same name in every place I go." I say and he breathes a chuckle before he dozed off to sleep along with Mikey. I sigh and open a box. It was the box with the invisible cloak and I tear it in half placing it on Mikey and on John. I turn to the door before looking back at the two empty beds. I trudge my feet down the stairs and I take out a cake bite. I walk all the way to Impuis potion roll and notice the room open ajar. I was about to open it when suddenly I hear a mans voice.

"Is there a spell that I can use to go there then Impuis?" It says and I look through the crack to see Impuis facing my direction and the back of a familiar figure.

"Lucifer..." I mumble and hear in on the conversation. I can't see L's eyes so I hurriedly take out my cloak and place it on looking at the amulet.

"I'm sorry Lucifer but no. My powers don't go that far and there's not even a spell in the book I had to let you go to heaven." She says and I gasp covering my mouth.

"Had? What happened to your book?" He says and I look at the amulet. It's purple with a hint of blue.

"I gave it to her. She wanted to know about herself. Let her find herself and she will come back to y-" she was cut if by Lucifer's booming voice.

"Impuis nows not the time for that. I want her back... I ruined things with her and all I want is to make things right. I just wanted her by my side. You should know what that feels like Sugar." He says and she looks down as a tear falls down her cheek. She nods and wipes it away.

"I can see what I can do but for now just be a little patient ok?" She says and he sighs angrily and shakes his head. The amulet glows blue and I see he slowly turn around. My breath hitched and a dart to a room but there's no room as far as the eye can see. Open my wings and jump out an open window and fly just enough so he can't see me. He walks out the door and closes it softly. He stands there quietly and just looks down. He sighs and again shakes his head before walking off. I look at the amulet to see it glowing black and blue. I cup the amulet with my hand and stealth-fully fly back into the castle. I walk into the potion room and see Impuis who's crying holding a price of paper as she looks at it.

"Impuis? You ok?" I say and she gasps. She wipes her eyes and placed the photo down. I walk over to see it's the wedding photo she had. I look back at her and I can tell she's at a list of what to say. I open my arms and she walks closer as I embrace her. A couple tears fall down my cheeks as she cry's a river onto my clothes but I didn't care. We stand there for about ten minutes before she finally stops crying.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get your outfit soaked." She says and breathes a chuckle before wiping her eyes and I do the same. We just wipe out and and stare at the floor for a good couple of seconds before she speaks.

"Did you need something?" She said and I nod looking down still.

"I wanted to know how Lucifer is doing?" I say and she looks up smiling.

"I knew you cared for him. He's worried about you. Maybe you should see him again." She says and I nod.

"Yeah I actually had a plan that I wanted to discuss with you." I say and she nods.

"Now before I tell you I'm going to repay you for everything shortly after I explain everything." I say and she smiles and I explain my plan.


I walk up the stairs excitedly and open the door to the room I left the boys in. I walk over to the beds and tap the bed to make sure their still there. I pick up the clothes and the boys are still sleeping there. It's been about an hour so I decide to wake them up. I wake up Mikey but he just rolls over. I walk on the other side of the bed and try to wake him and he didn't budge. I was about to go wake up John instead but something pulled me down and I fell on my side to something warm.

"Mikey?" I say and look up to see Mikey still half asleep looking down at me. He smiles sleepily and kisses my forehead.

"Let's stay here a little longer please?" He says and I blush. I hurriedly get up and wake him up and he finally sits up and sees my rosy cheeks. He tilts his head and I walk over to John. He wakes up easier and the both sit up on the bed.

"Ok now that you are both up let's turn you into full demons!" I say excitedly and they both look at each other before looking back at me.

"What do you mean?" Mikey says and I squeal

"Well Lucifer did it to me to show me my true demon side. Now you guys aren't full demons because you didn't sin but you are to live in hell. If you live in the castle you get three forms. One that is human so you can visit the human world." I say and they look at me amazed. I turn into my human form as they watch with amazement. I take off my shorts and shirt so they can see the changes.

"The other one is half demon half human." I say and my horns are small nubs on my head. My eyes are only red and my stripes are gone off of my body. I have a few scales on my shoulders and my tail is a bit smaller and without a point. My fangs are smaller and my pentagram glows faintly.

"The third one is full demon which I shall demonstrate." I say and transform. My skin burns as transform. My pentagram burns my skin and glows brightly as more scales appear and my tail grows. My horns grow large and a spark of flames appear on both tips floating right above it. My fangs grow past my lips and my eyes change color as stripes wrap around and show on the sides of my hips. To top it off my hair grows with golden beads as I tie it in a bun. My back begins to warm and heat up in one spot as my wings slowly appear and spread in its natural midnight colored feathers.

"Wow..." Mikey says baffled and I smirk as a few beads of sweat ran down my forehead. I open my wings and look at both of them.

"Ok let's get started."


   Guess who the f*ck just went to the fair!!!! Boi I'm in a great mood and I thought to myself... I haven't published a chapter yet so here it is y'all!!!! Hope y'all enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment

Adios mon amie!!!


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