Devils form

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   Here you go honey." A women with long black hair and purple and blue eyeshadow with a yellow diner outfit says to me with a small country accent. I look at her confused. She sets down a stack of waffles and syrup. I'm not going to complain they do look good.

"The man over there ordered them for you. I'd say you have a secret admirer and he has devilish charms if I do say so myself." She says and I see a flash of green on my chest I look down and see the bead on the necklace glowing green. I gasp and look around but see no one in the diner. I look back at the necklace and see it's clear again and my heart slightly sinks into a pit of sadness . A sigh leaves my lips as I sit there looking out the window again.

"Where are you Lucifer?" I say and tear a corner of the waffle and take a bite. I finish the waffles and sit up to go home. My feet dragging along the plain cement and my breath mixing with the cool yet dry atmosphere

'The sky grey and covered in clouds but not a single drop dares to fall to this lifeless earth. Just as boring and dead as I am I guess.' I think to myself and stop.

"Damn I'm sad right now." I say and kick the concrete before hopping in my car. I drive home and see it's five o'clock. I decide to take a nap and see Lucifer when I wake up tonight.

"I hope I see him tonight at least." I mumble to myself as I try to sleep. My mind racing with questions to ask.


"I'm done!" I say to a black figure infront of me. His face featureless and his body the size of a bear. His head shaking as it walks closer to me and grabs my chin leaning it's face closer to my ear.

"You won't leave." It says. It's breath cold as ice as it sounds bored and sarcastic. I gasp from the sudden chill and the black consumes me. Nothing going on for miles and it's like my eyes are shut but I can see myself slightly glowing.

"I need you." The voice says and I look up from myself to see a black figure next to a window. His body large and this time human like. He turns around and his face just as expressionless but I'm not scared of it this time. Wings the color of midnight fall spreads like a birds and captivate my every attention.

"Why's that?" I say and the figure walks closer to me. I do the same as if my feet have their own mind and we meet in the middle of the room. I place a hand on its face and it's rough yet smooth as if it actually can be.

"You know why." He says and at those words my heart drops and breaks into pieces. I don't know why he needs me but it hurts for him to say that to me as if I do know. My eyes slightly rim with tears and I shut them tightly.


"No!" I shout and spring up. I look around the room aimlessly. My eyes stop at a pair of green eyes and I stare at them as they stare back at me.

"Lucifer?" I say and they eyes look down as if In shame.

"Lucifer is that you?" I say and get up. I walk over but am stopped in my tracks as if in a trance. I try to move but I'm paralyzed in place. My body heavy like lead. My mind screaming move but my body saying stay.

"Lucifer what's going on?" I say and the figure appears out of the shadow. A small gasp leaves my lips as I see Lucifer. A pair of wings and his build larger than before.

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