The devil

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Anonymous: sleep tight beautiful

The text read and I felt a a cold sweat break. I roll over all night trying to sleep but with no success. Eventually I get some shut eye but very minimum. I wake up groggy and pray that I still have time before I go to work. I look at my alarm and see I'm actually supposed to wake up soon. I groan and walk slowly out of my bed. I put on my shorts and employee shirt and head to work. I can already feel myself losing energy and all I did was drive to my job. I only have the half shift so I get off at 1. The day was slow and only a few customers came in. Most of them were teens who wanted to get something before school or adults who wanted our free WiFi. It's been quiet for hours when I hear the door ring and get off my phone.

"Hi welcome to C-" I was cut off to see the same man from last night right infront of me. His eyes green and mischievous. His hair combed into lucious locks and his devilish smirk plastered on his handsome face.

"Well aren't you going to take my order?" He says and I snap back to my senses. His eyes turning a soft hazel as he spoke with amusement in his voice.

"H-how did your eyes change?" I say and point to him. He smiles and perks an eyebrow. He obviously knows what I'm talking about.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean my eye changed?" He says and I look at him bewildered. He stares as me for a little bit and I ended up dropping it. Maybe I was a little tipsy and thought his eyes were green.

"What do you want?" I say and implying why he's here. He smirks and leans against the counter.

"Well if your asking why I'm here I want a coffee. I want black coffe in your biggest cup." He says and I nod. The other worker with me catches Lucifer in the corner of her eye and immediately blushed. She pushed me over and took his order instead.

"Anything else for you handsome?" She said in a charming voice as I rolled my eyes and turned to clean up the trash on the counter.

"Nope. Just waiting six more days." He says and his voice sounded different. It was lower and it didn't even sound like him. I turn around to see him gone and the girl working with me had her eyes the size of ufos.

"What's wrong?" I say and she stutters.

"H-his eyes t-they changed c-c-colors." She says and her skin turns white. I look at her in shock and dismay.

"What color where they?" I Said and she shakes her head in disbelief.

"They were hazel and red..." she says and gasps. I know I wasn't crazy. Lucifer, What are you? I though I was the only one that noticed them.

The day went on slowly and my shift finally ended. I left my job and headed to my dreadful college class. Once there I walk into class and feel a chill shiver my whole body. I look around for a seat and my eyes stop on a specific person... Lucifer. A devilish smirk plays on his lips as I catch his eyes. I blink in disbelief and he's gone.

This can't be happenenibg. I swear I just saw him a second ago. This can't be happening to me! All my thoughts run through my mind as I walk up the steps and sit in the fourth row all by myself. I have an extra five minutes left until class starts so I decide to read a book.

"Mind if I sit here?" A voice said and I shoot my head up. It's Nikolai smiling back at me. His brown wavy locks and green eyes with freckles looks in my direction. I scoot over a little and move my stuff and he sits beside me. Nik placed an arm around my waist and scoots I over towards him.

"I've missed you." He says and I look down and blush. He grabs my chin and looks me in my eyes before he leans in and plants a kiss on my lips. Sparks and butterflies twist my stomachs as he kissed me. He pulls away and stares back at me.

"Happy one year anniversary." He says and I look at him shocked.

"You remember?" I say and he chuckles through a smirk. He looks back at my eyes and back down at my lips as he spoke.

"Of course I remember. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" He says and pecks my lips. We stare into each other's eyes until we were ripped of our moment.

"Ok class. I am your substitute teacher for today!" My eyes grew two times the size of its natural size as I looked down into glowing green eyes. He stares back at me and I can see a devil behind that smirk of his face. He turns back to the board and writes something down.

"For this class it's going to be easy today. You have a three page packet and the rest of your time you can either leave or stay here until times up. My name is Lucifer but I don't care what you call me." He says and writes down his name. He turns back and looks at me and his eyes are still green a slight bit of purple in his eyes aswell

"I know his eye color changes but why?" I mumble and I see Nikolai looking over at me confused.

"What did you say?" He says and I jolt my head towards him.

"Oh it's just I've never seen him before. Usually we get the same sub." I say and he nods. Class goes on and I catch Lucifer staring at me a couple of times. The ladies couldn't get enough of him and would walk up to him asking a lot of questions. Only two of them caught me off guard.

"Mister Lu your so hot." A girl says and I roll my eyes. He just chuckles and looks at his desk.

"Well some people do say I have devilish charm." He says and I look up to see him gazing at me with intent eyes. I look back down at my paper and not even ten minutes pass by as I'm caught off guard again.

"Professor Lu. Are you seeing someone?" One girl says and I look up from my paper. I catch him looking at me and he smirks.

"Well I'm seeing someone now but I'm sure she will be mine soon." He says and I could feel frustration build up. I finish my paper and walk to turn it in. Nikolai finished the same time as me and we walk out of class together. We decided to go to a small bakery and talk there.

"So Nikolai I like the place you picked for our anniversary." I smile at myself as we sit on the bean bags in the coffee shop. It's the place me and Nikolai had our first date.

"I thought you might like it." He says and I laugh. I see Nik looking at me intently yet hesitantly.

"Can I ask you something?" He says and I nod placing my coffee down sitting straight up.

"When will we... actually do it?" He says and my eyes go wide. I look down and bite my bottom lip. I've only been dating him for a year and I feel guilty for making him wait for me to tell him when I'm ready but I'm not.

"I don't know babe. You know why I'm so hesitant though." I say and run my hand up and down his upper thigh. He sighs and nods silently. The rest of the date was a little awkward and we leave with a goodbye kiss.


"Hey What's wrong?" Kalla says and I ignore her  rolling my eyes. I'm still mad at her about the party. It's basically her fault I made a deal with Lucifer. His name bugs me too. Its like I've herd it before but I can't place a finger on it

"Why did I even make that stupid bet!" I say and the room gets hot quick. My blinds close and I turn around to see a figure appear in the shadows. It walks closer with hazel eyes as it looks down on me. I'm frozen in fear as I see Lucifer appear infront of me.

"They do say never make a deal with the devil." He says and lowly chuckles.

"Lucifer. Lucifer. Lucifer. Lucifer! Lucifer you're the devil!" I say and he smiles perking his head up a little. Amusement and mischief written all over his face.

"You know you might be on to something there." He says and I back up slowly. Only to fall on my back on top of my bed. In a second I'm pinned down by Lucifer's arms and he's look down on me.

"You know, come to think of it we never made a deal for the deal of ours." He says and his eyes turn red.

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