The Reckoning (2) (lyttlejoe)

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The Reckoning (2)

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The Reckoning (2)

'You telling me that's Hunter's brother?'

'Name's Chester, 3Gun, swear on my mother.

It's why you felt you knew the face,

The resemblance wasn't just a trace.'

'So why'd you come, you coulda wired?'

'Cause the guilt I felt still hadn't expired.

I need to end this standing debt

and I'd be obliged, 3Gun, if you'd let...'

'Not a chance, you're no gunfighter, friend

and on this I'm not gonna bend.

Like he said, he's here for one reason . . .

hunting season.'

CrookedSmile poured some shots for drinking

And the two men drank slowly, thinking

3Gun decided he wouldn't bait

Instead he'd just sit and wait

Just like a day long past

Little Ron arrived, aghast

There was a man waitin' in the street

A man 3Gun had to meet

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