What Are Friends For? (lyttlejoe)

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What Are Friends For ?

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What Are Friends For ?

Unger read the notice

and scratched his chin

Will was his friend

but did he want him to win?

He checked with the pastor

to see what he thought

playin' poker was one thing

bein' mayor . . . maybe not

Together they went

to check on the doc

he was still healin'

and suffering shock

Tiddly was packin'

for a trip out of town

when they asked about Barter

he replied with a frown

That left Satchel and Lotta,

CrookedSmile and Hugh

Moonie the Townie

and the barber, Strop, too

They canvassed them all

and they all agreed

Will Barter as mayor

was not what they'd need

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