Lavender Tea (leandralynx)

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Lavender Tea

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Lavender Tea

What a success! 

To relax from past weeks' stress,

Ricky brew a pot of lavender tea

And even invited RustyWho accepted - very reluctantly.

"What about that sullen face? Ricky wanted to know,

Lost a bet in a horse race?"

A growl.

The hot drink was poured into a cup.

"You're a smug rat,

If stealing's all, you're good at, Ricky,

You are to pity."

"Ghostwriter, you're making me laugh, Ricky said,

But no muscle was moving.

And as much as I'd love to -"

"I know, you'd enjoy watching me falling,

Unfortunately, Rusty rose from his chair, 

Duties are calling.

He grabbed the cup in Ricky's hands and drank.


Then he was out of the tent,

Fingers still tight around the porcelain as he went.

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