Francis Blake (silenttomorrows)

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Francis Blake

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Francis Blake

Francis Drake had had enough

Of shootin' varmints

Acting tough

Outa county he had rode

Till bushwhacked by ruthless toads

Bullets flew till bad men dropped

To the ground their battle lost

Frank his horse reared him to ground

Brushed himself as gallop sound

Saw his horse in distance fled

Dessert dry filled Frank with dread

Walked for miles till came to sign

For Busted Gulch just past the mine

Walked along the dusty road

To towns border law and order

Lady came with muffins plenty

And Lemonade, Frank felt like gentry

CG looked a little dower

So Frank left for her some flowers

Hoping for a smile to shine

On this man who seemed quite kind

Then disguised as cactus Frank

He tried to blend into their ranks :)

Busted Gulch vol 7Where stories live. Discover now