A Bad Idea (Ruechari)

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Bad Idea

The circuit judge had come to town.

It was now or never

Lou tracked him down.

He'd be staying in BG over night

She wondered if she could get

Him to see the light.

To let her bailout Bruce

Though she had no excuse

She came to him undercover 

Purposely staying out of sight.

She knocked on his door.

"May I help you?"

"I know you can,"

said Lou.

"I came here to speak

about Bruce Buchanan.

But first how was your ride

over the mountain?"

"Whenever someone wants to talk small

It never settles well with me.

Nope, not at all."

"Besides that's not like you, Lou.

What is it you want me to do?"

Lou knew it be hard for him to be swayed.

"I will take full responsibility for him."

But she knew what he really wanted

was to be paid.

She grabbed his hand

Placed in his palm the gold

"This should cover his bail."

He let out a slow whistle.

"Well low and behold!

Looks like Bruce may just skip jail."

"For now he can walk free

but I'll be back you see.

If the charges aren't dropped

by the time I come again

Busted Gulch vol 7Where stories live. Discover now